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Snake Lake

Booklaunch with journalist Jeff Greenwald

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
6:00 PM–7:30 PM

In a circular valley beneath the looming peaks of theHimalayas lies Kathmandu, Nepal. It’s a city of shimmeringprayer flags, sacred cows, lavish festivals, and violent politicalturbulence, and a world that journalist Jeff Greenwald hascome to call home.
Snake Lakeunfolds during 1990’s dramatic “people power”uprising against Nepal’s long-entrenched monarchy. The storyfollows Greenwald as he wins the friendship of a high lamawho reveals the pillars of Tibetan Buddhism, embarks on apassionate romance with a spunky but curiously unlucky newsphotographer, and discovers what democracy means to ruralNepalese citizens, all while covering the revolution for a majorAmerican newspaper. Meanwhile, back in the United States, Greenwald’sbrilliant but troubled younger brother descends into a deepeningdepression. The author is forced to choose between witnessingNepal’s long-overdue revolution and reconnecting with analienated brother in desperate need of help.
Inspired by real events that evolved during one calamitousspring, journalist Jeff Greenwald will read and discuss his new book, Snake Lake, whichweaves a vivid tapestry of three profoundlydifferent pathsto liberation: revolution, enlightenment, andsuicide.
Himalayan Happy Hour and Spiral Music – 5pm – 7pm
