On October 6, the Rubin will close the 17th Street galleries and transition into a global museum model. Read more about our future.

Burma: Rivers of Flavor

Book Launch

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
6:00 PM–9:00 PM

Purchase of the book includes gallery admission
5–7 p.m.

Book signing andHimalayan Happy Hour in Serai
Taste a dish from Naomi’s new book:
West Coast Mohinga
7:10 p.m.
Reading and discussion with author Naomi Duguid
7:45 p.m.
Book signing continues in the cafe

About the Author

Naomi Duguid is a pioneer in approaching food as a way to demystify unfamiliar cultures. The intrepid traveler, photographer, and genre-defining cookbook author of classics such as HOT SOUR SALTY SWEET, Duguid now turns her attention to the delicious cuisine of a country just opening to outside contact after half a century as a closed society. Part cookbook, part travelogue, BURMA: Rivers of Flavor introduces home cooks to vibrant salads, refreshing soups, easy curries, resourceful fish and meat dishes, and more. Burma, a more representative term for the country officially known as Myanmar, is bordered by China, India, and Thailand. Its rich and varied cuisine makes inventive use of staple ingredients such as limes, peanuts, shallots, and turmeric. Duguids chapter on sauces and condiments is perhaps the books most telling, as it illustrates Burma’s inherently democratic approach to meals. Each diner customizes every dish he or she eats, every time.
