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Going on Being


Friday, February 27, 2009
7:30 PM–8:30 PM

Mark Epstein + James Shaheen
Going on Being: Life at the Crossroads of Buddhism and Psychotherapy
Friday, February 27, 7:30 p.m., Free

Psychiatrist Mark Epstein launches the new edition of his seminal book Going on Being, an intimate chronicle of his formative years and practical guide to how a Buddhist understanding of psychology can help anyone change for the better. Esptein will have a conversation with James Shaheen, editor and publisher of Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.
Presented with
“Going on Being opens the door on what it means to understand ourselves, to grow and to change”-Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness

“Meditation was the vehicle that opened me up to myself, but psychotherapy, in the right hands, has similar potential. It was actually through my own therapy and my own studies of Western psychoanalytic thought that I began to understand what meditation made possible. As compelling as the language of Buddhism was to me, I needed to figure things out in Western concepts as well. Psychotherapy came after meditation in my life, but it reinforced what meditation had shown me.” Mark Epstein.

Mark Epstein, MD, is a psychiatrist in private practice and the author of Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart, Thoughts Without a Thinker, Open to Desire, and Psychotherapy Without the Self. He lives in New York City
