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The Spiritual Renegades Guide to the Good Life

Book Launch

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
8:30 PM–10:00 PM

For Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, A Spiritual Renegade’s Guide to the Good Life, Lama Marut voices the next generation of spiritualism by address­ing today’s need for fearless honesty, practicality, and simplicity, and offering meditations and action plans designed to incite true, unpackaged happiness.
Straight-talk, Humorous Style Appeals to Broad Audience: As a surfer, mo­torcycle enthusiast, ordained Buddhist monk, and university professor, Lama Marut’s approach is a unique mixture of erudition and earthiness, conviction and openness. His practical, honest, and sensible advice will connect with a broad range of readers of all ages, races, religious or non-religious, and Bud­dhist or non-Buddhist backgrounds.
Not Just Another Buddhist Book on Happiness: A Spiritual Renegade’s Guide to the Good Life is unique and written to reach outside the traditionalBuddhist and happiness market to the “spiritual, not religious” demographic which is 60% of the population. It takes a modern, fresh, and irreverent look at Bud­dhism and happiness in these times of financial, social, and global upheaval. It will also incorporate Microsoft tags within each chapter to give the reader bonus, live-interaction material to enhance the reading experience.

About the Author

Lama Marut
Born Brian K. Smith to a second-genera­tion Baptist minister, Lama Marut had a strong interest in spirituality at a very young age, along with a passion for motorcycles, surfing, and yoga. He earned a PhD in comparative religion before becoming an ordained Bud­dhist monk. He has worked as a professor at Columbia University and the University of California Riverside and has published three academic books. Lama Marut is founder and spiritual director of three spiritual centers and serves as a founding board member and staff teacher at the Yoga Studies Institute.
In addition to the committed coterie of students at his centers, Lama Marut tours extensively around the US and abroad. He teaches at yoga studios, retreat centers, and public venues attended by hundreds of enthusiastic students of all ages, races, and religious backgrounds. Lama Marut appeals equally to be the young, hip and urban practitioners of yoga; to Western Buddhists of all generations; and to those without formal religious affili­ations looking for practical down-to-earth answers for how to live the good life in complicated times.
