On October 6, the Rubin will close the 17th Street galleries and transition into a global museum model. Read more about our future.

Tibetan Carpets

A talk by Himalayan textile expert Diana K. Myers

Saturday, April 9, 2011
3:00 PM–4:30 PM

Diana K. Myers is an international development expert and a specialist in Himalayan textiles. She has done field research in and published extensively on the Himalayas since 1978. Myers supported the Textile Museum in Thimphu, Bhutan, as special adviser to Her Majesty the Queen of Bhutan, from the museum’s inception in 1999. She served as guest curator for the award-winning international loan exhibition From the Land of the Thunder Dragon: Textile Arts of Bhutan, organized by the Peabody Essex Museum in 1994-1996. Her first talk at the Rubin Museum was on Bhutanese textiles in 2008. A decade earlier, she helped bring Tibetan rugs to the attention of the West as guest curator for Temple, Household, Horseback: Rugs of the Tibetan Plateau, exhibited at the Textile Museum in Washington, DC. She has written the introduction to the catalog that accompanies the Rubin Museum of Art’s exhibition Patterns of Life: The Art of Tibetan Carpets.
