On October 6, the Rubin will close the 17th Street galleries and transition into a global museum model. Read more about our future.

Tsering Wangmo Dhompa

Poetry Reading/Book Signing

Friday, January 15, 2010
7:30 PM–8:30 PM

Tsering Wangmo Dhompa was raised in India and Nepal. Tsering received her MA from University of Massachussetts and her MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. Her first book of poems,Rules of the House, published by Apogee Press in 2002 was a finalist for the Asian American Literary Awards in 2003. Other publications include Rules of the House (Apogee Press); two chapbooks,In Writing the Names(A.bacus, Potes & Poets Press) andRecurring Gestures(Tangram Press) and publications in numerous anthologies and literary magazines. Tsering has received fellowship support from the MacDowell Colony and Hedgebrook.
