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This audio tour, introduced by curator Beth Citron, features interviews with Shahidul Alam discussing stories from his life and work featured in the Rubin Museum exhibition Shahidul Alam: Truth to Power.

Introduction to Shahidul Alam: Truth to Power

Curator Beth Citron introduces the exhibition, the artist Shahidul Alam, and his powerful commitment to social justice through art and action in relation to his home country,Bangladesh, and beyond, including his 2018 arrest.

A Struggle for Democracy

Shahidul Alam first became drawn to photography through his participation in leftist social movements, and he began to see photojournalism as a form of activism.


Shahidul’s Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Hear Shahidul Alam read aloud his open letter to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. He wrote this letter on March 27, 1992, in response to the government’s censorship of news media following the fall of President Ershad.


Rejoicing at Ershad’s Fall

Shahidul Alam describes the events of December 4th, 1990 in Bangladesh, when a mass uprising led to the fall of President Ershad.


Photography as Tool: Kalpana’s Warriors

Shahidul Alam describes the power of photography as a storytelling tool by describing his series on Kalpana Chakma, a young woman and activist who was abducted by the police.


Institution Builder

Shahidul Alam discusses the importance of training photographers who can represent and depict their cultures from their own perspectives, as well as his efforts to found institutions that support this work.


Brahmaputra Diary

One of Shahidul’s long term projects documents the different countries and cultures along the Brahmaputra River.


Keraniganj and Now

On August 5, 2018, Shahidul Alam was arrested for his public support of student protests and spent a year in jail at Keraniganj.

RubinMusuem Shahidul Alam: Truth to Power is supported by Rasika and Girish Reddy, public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Monika Parekh, and Sonny and Gita Mehta.
