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  • Spiral Magazine Acknowledgments

This magazine is published in conjunction with the exhibition The World Is Sound, organized and presented by the Rubin Museum of Art, New York, (June 16, 2017″“January 8, 2018) and curated by Risha Lee with the assistance of Anna Cahn and Amy Goudge.

The exhibition is made possible through the generosity of HARMAN with additional support provided by contributors to the 2017 Exhibitions Fund. The print edition of this publication is made possible through the support of an anonymous donor.

We would also like to thank the many people who have made this publication and exhibition possible:

Ravi Akhoury, Walter Arader, Liz Armstrong, Rick Asher, Sharon Matt Atkins, John Bernard “Barney” Bate, Lois and Bob Baylis, Guy L. Beck, Scott Beiben, Luciano Bernardi, Bob Bielecki, Marcus Boon, Martin Brauen, Jennifer Brennan and Nora Orallo (Elizabeth Dee Gallery), Emily Capper, Terence Caulkins, Jessica Cerasi (Carroll / Fletcher Gallery), Columbia Sound Arts MFA Students, Harold G. Coward, Christoph Cox, Bryan J. Cuevas, Jake Dalton, Paula Davis, Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery (Dharamsala, India), Yeshe Dorje, Edward Dougherty, Dylan Dougherty, Stephen Duncombe, Daniel Eisenstein, David Ellenbogen, Carter Emmart, Charlotte Ford Feng, Deborah Fisher, Danny Fox, Ashley Fure, Alex Gardner, Dylan Geil, Finn Moore Gerety, Jules Gimbrone, John Giorno, Ron “Chant Fairy” Goldberg, Sam Gould, Saisha Grayson-Knoth, Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche, Tomie Hahn (The Center for Deep Listening), Lauran R. Hartley and Ria Koopmans-Debruijn (C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University), Wendy Hsu, IONE, Lucy Ives, Serene Jones, Denise Kahler-Braaten, Deborah Kapchan, Ernst Karel, Karma Raja Maha Vihar Monastery (Kathmandu, Nepal), Katherine Kasdorf, Christine Sun Kim, Seth Kim-Cohen, Michael Lee, Tom Lee, Claire Lehmann, David Little, Annea Lockwood, Donald S. Lopez, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, Tod Machover, Thomas Mader, Miya Masaoka, Beata and Michael McCormick, Andy McGraw, James McHugh, Michael Monhart, Caroline Moore, MSHR, Namdroling Nyingmapa Monastery (Arlikumari, Karnataka, India), Ida Jean Newton, Daniel Neumann, Sean Olive, Lama Ugen Rongdrol Palden, Palyul Retreat Center (McDonough, New York), Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche, Pauline Oliveros, Aniruddh D. Patel, Ramon Prats, Eliane Radigue, Matthew Rahaim, Sara Reisman, Rigon Tashi Choeling Monastery (Pharping, Nepal), David Rothenberg, Sharon Salzberg, Carla Shen, Manoj P. Singh, Samita Sinha, Laetitia Sonami, Alexandre Tannous, Benjamin Tausig, Rick Temkin, Lama Jigmey Tenzin, Christopher Tester, Krista Tippett, Dominique Townsend, Vivian Trakinski, Stephen Vitiello, Lucianne Walkowicz, Lama Rapjee Wangchuk, Laura Weinstein, Hildegard Westerkamp, Nate Wooley, and C. Spencer Yeh.