On October 6, the Rubin will close the 17th Street galleries and transition into a global museum model. Read more about our future.

We’re surrounded by sounds, but are we really listening?

Thanks to technology, we’re in conversation with more people than ever, but are we really hearing their points of view?

Can understanding the impact of sound lead us to transform ourselves? Our society?

We’re bringing you a week of challenges, delivered to your inbox, which explore these questions and provide daily activities to acquire new sound skills. You’ll learn to listen with your whole body with advice and activities shaped by sound experts, artists, musicians, and other leaders in the field.

Each challenge is simple (most take around 15 minutes or less) and designed to bring you a specific benefit. You’ll activate unconscious perceptions, focus your attention, exercise your empathy muscles, and discover new connections.

Sign up now, and we’ll send you the first challenge on September 17!
