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Film screening

Friday, July 20, 2018
7:00 PM–8:30 PM

Zuri Rinpoche, Bhutan, 2016, 84 min.

Dzongkha with English subtitles

An ancient Buddhist scripture is discovered, which prophecies that a reincarnate lama is destined to propagate Buddhadharma for the benefit of all sentient beings. A senior Buddhist monk embarks on a long journey, in search of the person who will fulfill the prophecy. He finds a three-year-old boy, Rigzen Lingpa, who is then raised in a monastery and spends his life mastering the teachings of the Buddha.

When Rigzen Lingpa is a young lama presiding over a monastery in eastern Bhutan, he meets a modern young woman from city named Youden, who has returned home to her ailing mother. The lama and Youden experience a powerful connection and embark on an incredible journey together. What they discover will change their lives and challenge the conventional beliefs of their society.

Presented with the Bhutan Film Trust.


About the Director

The Venerable 8th Zuri Rinpoche is the successive incarnation of the 7th Zuri Rinpoche of Thrangu Monastery in Qinghai. Since childhood, he has had a strong innate passion for arts and culture and great interest in the appreciation of photography and sculpture.

Prophecy is the first movie he has directed.


Tickets: $19.00

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