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Kimberly Brown

Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
1:00 PM–1:45 PM

Related Artwork

Raven-Headed Mahakala; Bhutan; early to mid-19th century; pigments on cloth; Rubin Museum of Art; C2006.42.8 (HAR 89189)

The technique of painting colors and gold on a background, most often used to depict wrathful deities, is known as a black painting—like this magnificent piece, which has an unusually wide palette of colors for a black-background painting. In the center is the dancing Kakamukha Karma Mahakala, a protective deity who became popular in Bhutan, particularly with practitioners of the Drugpa Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The broad red hat worn by the teacher at the top of this painting identifies him as belonging to this tradition.

Tibetan teachers traveled to Bhutan bearing Buddhist teachings, texts, and works of art, introducing new religious ideas and artistic styles to their southern neighbor. Because of this cultural exchange, it is often difficult to determine if a painting is Tibetan or Bhutanese, but lineage figures and central deities can assist in revealing origins. The raven head of this protector decorates the crowns of Bhutanese kings and is a national symbol.


Theme: Intention

This week’s podcast recording illustrates the need for balance within power. Drawing inspiration from the wrathful protector deity Mahakala, Kimberly Brown stresses the importance of integrating fierceness & confidence when manifesting our most compassionate selves.

About the Mindfulness Meditation Podcast

The Rubin Museum of Art presents a weekly meditation session led by a prominent meditation teacher from the New York area, with each session focusing on a specific work of art. This podcast is recorded in front of a live audience, and includes an opening talk, a 20-minute sitting session, and a closing discussion. The guided meditation begins at 17:00.

If you would like to attend Mindfulness Meditation sessions in person or learn more, please visit our website at RubinMuseum.org/meditation.

This program is presented in partnership with Sharon Salzberg, the Interdependence Project and Parabola Magazine.



About the Speaker

Kimberly Brown is the executive director of The Interdependence Project and a graduate of its Meditation Teacher Training Program. She leads mindfulness and compassion classes, workshops, and retreats for groups and individuals in New York City. Kim studies American and Tibetan Buddhism and practices loving kindness meditation. Her teaching methods integrate depth psychology, compassion training, and traditional Buddhist techniques as a means to help everyone reconnect to their inherent clarity and openness.

Tickets: $19.00

Member Tickets: Free (registration required)

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Note: Late comers may not be admitted past 1:10 p.m., so as to not disrupt the session.

