On October 6, the Rubin will close the 17th Street galleries and transition into a global museum model. Read more about our future.

Theme: Recognizing Abundance

Yellow Jambhala is a popular worldly deity associated with wealth and abundance. He sits on a conch shell, a symbol of wealth and purity in the Himalayas, while holding a bundle of spiky fruit in his right hand and a jewel spitting mongoose in his left hand. The jewel spitting mongoose is a reference to a central Asian tradition of using mongoose skins as purses for precious stones. His body is yellow which symbolizes his power to bestow wealth on his followers. Practitioners initially worship him for financial help, and eventually recognize abundance in their own lives without the needs of material wealth.

Image credit: Yellow Jambhala China; 1600-1699, Yuan Dynasty Clay Rubin Museum of Art C2006.64.1 (HAR 65728)

Mindfulness Meditation Series

Himalayan practitioners have, for centuries, used meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart, calm the nervous system, and increase one’s ability to focus. Now, western scientists, business leaders, and the secular world have embraced meditation as a vital tool for brain health. Learn more

Presented in partnership with Sharon Salzberg and the Interdependence Project.

About the Speaker

Kimberly Brown has degrees in physics and literature and trained as a psychodynamic psychotherapist. She worked at a marketing consultancy for more than a decade before joining the Interdependence Project. A graduate of the center’s first year-long meditation teacher training program, Brown studies Tibetan and American Buddhism. Her teachers include Lama Norlha Rinpoche and Sharon Salzberg. Her work and teachings emphasize the ways in which contemplation, wisdom, and ethics are shared among all traditions of awakening.
