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Jessica Tracy + Miles Neale

Take Pride

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
7:00 PM–8:30 PM

Psychologist Jessica Tracyand Buddhist psychotherapist Miles Neale take on one of the seven deadly sins: pride. Pride’s dark, hubristic side is well known, but Tracy shows that you can use pride wisely, as it is essential for helping us become our best, brightest selves.

A signing of Tracy’s new book Take Pride will follow the program.

About the Speakers

Jessica Tracy is a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and has conducted research on an often maligned emotion: pride. Pride’s dark, hubristic side is well known, but Tracy shows that you can use pride wisely, as it is essential for helping us become our best, brightest selves. By making us care about how others see us and how we see ourselves, pride makes us strive for excellence. In the right doses and the right contexts, it has been proven to boost creativity, motivate altruism, and confer status and power on those who display it.

Miles Nealeis a Buddhist psychotherapist in private practice, Assistant Director of the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science, Clinical Instructor of Psychology at Weill Cornell Medical College, and contributing expert on mindfulness meditation for the BBC World Service. Dr. Neale’s approach to personal healing and transformation is informed by contemplative neuroscience, an eclectic hybrid of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist psychology and meditative arts, depth psychotherapy, and the current neuroscience of trauma resilience.

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