Mongolian Zitan Prayer Beads
Mongolia, early 19th century
Wooden prayer beads carved with 260 Chinese characters of The Heart Sutra
Korea, 20th century
Wooden prayer beads
Korea, 19th century
Water bowl
Tibet, 18th - 20th century
Walnut seed prayer beads
Japan, 18th century
Walnut Prayer Beads
China, ca. 1908
Vajra scepter
Himalayan, 17th - 18th century
Vajra Scepter
Tibet, 16th century
Vajra, Bell and Case
Bhutan, 20th century
Five-prong Bell & Dorje Set
Probably Urga or Dolonor, Mongolia, ca. late 19th century
Tibet, 18th century
Tibetan Human Bone Prayer Beads
Tibet, 18th or 19th century
Three-Bladed Ritual Peg (kila, purba)
Tibet, ca. 17th century
Tibetan Amethyst Prayer Beads
Tibet, 19th century
Tibetan Bodhiseed Prayer Beads
Tibet, 19th century
Tibetan Elephant Stomach Prayer Beads
Tibet, 19th century

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