Avalokiteshvara, according to the practice tradition of Emperor Songtsen Gampo (617-650)Central Tibet, 13th century
White ManjushriTibet, 19th century
VajrasattvaCentral Tibet, 13th century
VajrasattvaTibet, 19th century
VajrasattvaNepal, 14th century
Vajrapani Trampling SnakesEastern India or Western Tibet, 10th-11th century
Vajrapani (From Situ's set of Eight Great Bodhisattvas)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Temple Banner (Bilampau) Depicting Avalokiteshvara's Legends Described in the Newari Version of the Gunakarandavyuha SutraNepal, 17th century
Six-syllable Avalokiteshvara rescuing from the Eight FearsWestern Tibet, late 15th century - early 16th century
Six-Syllable AvalokiteshvaraLadakh, Northwestern India, 14th century
Six-armed Avalokiteshvara TriadKashmir, 11th century
Shadakshari LokeshvaraWestern Tibet, 15th century
Red Avalokiteshvara or Bunga DyaNepal, Dated by inscription, 1818
Red AvalokiteshvaraNepal or Tibet, dated by inscription, 1871
Red AvalokiteshvaraTibet or Nepal, 19th century
Red AvalokiteshvaraTibet, 19th century
Red Avalokiteshvara, also known as Bunga Dya, and MacchendranathNepal, Dated by inscription 1842
SamantabhadraInner Mongolia, 19th century
Samantabhadra (From Situ's set of Eight Great Bodhisattvas)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Bodhisattvas Maitreya and Manjushri in Tushita Pure RealmTibet, early 20th century
Mold for Clay Image (tsatsa) of VajrapaniHimalayan Region, ca. 19th century
ManjuvajraIndia, 12th century
ManjuvajraIndia, 11th century
Manjushri (From Situ's set of Eight Great Bodhisattvas)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
ManjushriTibet, 19th century
ManjushriNepal, 17th century
ManjushriNepal, 14th century
ManjushriNepal, 15th century
MaitreyaTibet, 17th century
ManjushriTibet, 15th century
ManjushriWestern Tibet, 10th century
LokeshvaraNepal, 16th-17th century
Guhyasamaja ManjuvajraKashmir or Himachal Pradesh, India, 11th century
Four-armed AvalokiteshvaraTibet, 16th century
Eleven-headed, Thousand-Armed AvalokiteshvaraCentral Tibet, early 20th century (before 1935)
Eleven-Headed Thousand-Armed AvalokiteshvaraKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Eleven-Headed Thousand-Armed AvalokiteshvaraTibet, 14th-15th century
Eleven-headed AvalokiteshvaraChina, 18th century
Eight Female Bodhisattvas; Text and Illuminations of the Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Intermediate State (Bardo)Tibet, ca. 15th century
BodhisattvaTibet, 12th century
Bodhisattva KshitigarbhaEastern Tibet, 19th century
Avalokiteshvara PadmapaniSwat region (present day Pakistan), ca. 9th century
Avalokiteshvara JinasagaraTibet, 19th century
Avalokiteshvara JinasagaraKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Avalokiteshvara in his Potala Pure RealmTibet, 19th century
Avalokiteshvara in his Potala Pure LandTibet, late 18th–early 19th century
Avalokiteshvara Enshrined in a TempleNepal, Dated by inscription, 1850
AvalokiteshvaraTibet, 12th century
AvalokiteshvaraTibet, 13th century
AvalokiteshavaraTibet, 15th century
Bodhisattva AmoghapashaNepal, ca. 1400
Bodhisattva AvalokiteshvaraNepal, 13th - 14th century
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (After Situ Panchen's (1700–1774) set of Eight Great Bodhisattvas)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Bodhisattva KshitigarbhaTibet, 17th century
Bodhisattva MaitreyaTibet or China, 17th - 18th century
Bodhisattva MaitreyaTibet, 16th - 17th century
Bodhisattva ManjushriTibet or China, 17th-18th century
Bodhisattva SuryabaskaraChina or Inner Mongolia, 18th century
Bodhisattva VajrapaniSwat region, 7th century
AkashagarbhaTibet, 19th century
Arapachana ManjushriKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century