This week’s meditation session is led by Lavina Shamdasani and the theme is Appreciation. The guided meditation begins at 12:23.
Buddha Ratnasambhava with Wealth Deities; Tibet; early to mid-14th century; Mineral pigments on cloth; 32 × 26 in. (estimated); Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2005.16.39
Ratnasambhava is one of the Buddhas of the Five Families. He is associated with overcoming pride and developing equanimity. His identifying characteristics include his yellow color and his horse vehicle, which is shown peeking out from either side of his lotus throne. His right hand is in the mudra of supreme generosity.
This thangka, dating from the early to mid-14th century is an example of an early Tibetan painting. Works from this time period are hierarchical in nature. Each figure is portrayed in a size that reflects its relative importance. Since Ratnasambhava is the subject of this painting, he is the most prominently featured.
Lavina Shamdasani is a certified compassion teacher through the Compassion Institute and Stanford University. She has taught programs focused on mindfulness, compassion, joy, and gratitude and led book club discussions and meditations for over five years.
Lavina studied positive psychology coaching at the Wholebeing Institute and helps clients transform their lives and meet their personal and professional goals.
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