About the MeditationAbout the Meditation

This week’s meditation session is led by Kimberly Brown and the theme is Intention. The guided meditation begins at 17:00.

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Raven-headed Mahakala; Bhutan; early to mid-19th century; Pigments on cloth; 29 × 21 1/4 in. (estimate); Rubin Museum of Art; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2006.42.8

In the center of this painting is the dancing Kakamukha Karma Mahakala, a protective deity who became popular in Bhutan, particularly with practitioners of the Drugpa Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The broad red hat worn by the teacher at the top of this painting identifies him as belonging to this tradition.

Tibetan teachers traveled to Bhutan bearing Buddhist teachings, texts, and works of art, introducing new religious ideas and artistic styles to their southern neighbor. Because of this cultural exchange, it is often difficult to determine if a painting is Tibetan or Bhutanese, but lineage figures and central deities can assist in revealing origins. The raven head of this protector decorates the crowns of Bhutanese kings and is a national symbol.

Kimberly Brown is a meditation teacher and author. She leads classes and retreats that emphasize the power of compassion and kindness meditation to reconnect us to ourselves and others. Her teachings provide an approachable pathway to personal and collective well-being through effective and modern techniques based on traditional practices. She studies in both the Tibetan and Insight schools of Buddhism and is a certified mindfulness instructor. Her book Navigating Grief and Loss: 25 Buddhist Practices to Keep Your Heart Open to Yourself and Others was published in 2022, and an updated edition of Steady, Calm, and Brave was released in 2023. Both are published by Prometheus Books.

Published February 28, 2019
PodcastsMindfulness Meditation

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