About the MeditationAbout the Meditation

This week’s meditation session is led by Sharon Salzberg and the theme is Intention. The guided meditation begins at 18:30.

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Reliquary, Stupa; Tibet; 14th century; Copper alloy; 28 × 10 1/2 × 10 3/4 in.; Rubin Museum of Art; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2003.12.2

Stupas are made to hold precious relics of the Buddha or other important religious leaders. Stupas can be found in all sizes throughout the Himalayas, marking important locations or boundaries.

Walking around stupas is a common Buddhist practice believed to bring great merit to an individual. It is tied to the concept of karma and is considered an investment toward the future that can bring about results in this life or the next. The circumambulation can be seen as a metaphor for the wise effort one puts toward intentions and goals, once again underscoring the necessity of action to accompany intention.

Headshot of Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg, cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, has guided meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. Her latest book is Real Change: Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World. She is a weekly columnist for On Being, a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, and the author of several other books, including the New York Times bestseller Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation, Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience, and Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness. Ms. Salzberg has been a regular participant in the Rubin’s many on-stage conversations and regards the Rubin as a supplemental office.

Published January 9, 2019
PodcastsMindfulness Meditation

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