About the MeditationAbout the Meditation

This week’s meditation session is led by Rebecca Li and the theme is Loving Kindness. The guided meditation begins at 22:25.

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Painting of large figure with colorful robes seated on wooden platform with landscape in background and three smaller figures in foreground.

Maitreya, the buddha of the future, is said to be waiting in Tushita Heaven. Once Buddhism is forgotten in the world, he will come down to teach its fundamental laws once again. Maitreya is a bodhisattva as well, meaning that he took a vow to become a buddha in order to save all sentient beings from their suffering. Truly a daunting and inspiring aspiration.

Dr. Rebecca Li, a dharma heir in the lineage of Chan Master Sheng Yen, is the founder and guiding teacher of Chan Dharma Community. She teaches meditation and dharma classes, gives public lectures, and leads retreats in North America and Europe. Li is the author of Allow Joy into Our Hearts: Chan Practice in Uncertain Times, and her book Illumination: A Guide to the Buddhist Method of No-Method was published by Shambhala Publications in 2023. She is a sociology professor and lives with her husband in New Jersey.

Published March 4, 2023
PodcastsMindfulness Meditation

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