About the MeditationAbout the Meditation

This week’s meditation session is led by Tashi Chodron and the theme is Ritual. The guided meditation begins at 17:21.

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A parcel-gilt silver ritual ewer; Tibet or Mongolia; 19th century; Parcel-gilt silver; 11 1/8 × 6 3/4 × 4 in.; Rubin Museum of Art; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2011.11

Ewers like this one are used for pouring liquid offerings during daily offerings, initiation ceremonies, and other rituals. This ewer could have been part of a monastic setting or a household shrine. It is an example of the exquisite silver metalwork, traditional Tibetan symbols, and aesthetic elements characteristic of ritual items from the region.

The central decorative motif on the belly of the vessel is a gilt dragon surrounded by Buddhism’s Eight Auspicious Symbols, also highlighted in gold. The spout emerges from the mouth of a water monster (makara). The base is in the form of a stylized lotus, similar to bases found on sculptures.

Tashi Chodron is the Himalayan programs and communities ambassador at the Rubin Museum.

Published October 16, 2019
PodcastsMindfulness Meditation

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