This week’s meditation session is led by Kimberly Brown and the theme is Gratitude. The guided meditation begins at 13:54.
Queen of the World, Sipai Gyelmo; China; 20th century; Embroidery; 24 1/4 × 19 1/4 in.; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2003.51.2
This is a striking depiction of the Queen of the World, Sipai Gyelmo. In the Bon religion the Queen of the World is the most wrathful manifestation of the peaceful deity Loving Mother of Wisdom. Fierce in appearance, black in color, she has three faces and six arms, which hold weapons and implements of power and control. Each of these symbolically represents cutting the knots of illusion and rooting out the three poisons of greed, anger, and delusion.
The Queen of the World is both a meditational deity and a protector. She is one of the most frequently portrayed figures in the Bon religion and extends her protection to religious practitioners as well as common people.
Although this textile was made in China, embroidered works such as this one were often commissioned by Tibetans. While the Queen of the World is wrathful in form, sitting atop a flayed human skin symbolizing impermanence, with the flames of wisdom burning around her, she embodies the qualities of love and compassion.
Kimberly Brown is a meditation teacher and author. She leads classes and retreats that emphasize the power of compassion and kindness meditation to reconnect us to ourselves and others. She studies in both the Tibetan and Insight schools of Buddhism and is a certified mindfulness instructor. Her latest book is Happy Relationships: 25 Buddhist Practices to Transform Your Connection with Your Partner, Family, and Friends. You can learn more about Kimberly at meditationwithheart.com.
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