Avalokiteshvara, according to the practice tradition of Emperor Songtsen Gampo (617-650)
Central Tibet, 13th century
Painting of large seated robed figure surrounded by smaller figures, some seated and some standing.
Physician Yutok Yonten Gonpo (1126-1202)
Central Tibet, late 17th century
Yungton Dorje Pel (1284 1365) (After Choying Gyatso’s (active ca.1640s-1660s) set of previous incarnations of the Panchen Lamas)
Central Tibet, 19th century
White Tara
Central Tibet, 15th century
Central Tibet, 13th century
Central Tibet, 15th - 16th century
Vajrabhairava with Consort Vajravetali
Central Tibet, late 18th century
Tiger Riding Mahakala
Central Tibet, Early 19th century
Tea Bowl with Silver Lid
Central Tibet, 19th - 20th century
Tea Bowl made of dzab root and silver lid
Central Tibet, 19th - 20th century
Six-Armed White Mahakala
Central Tibet, late 18th – early 19th century
Stories of Noble Deeds (Avadana)
Central Tibet, late 18th-19th century
Sakya Pandita (1182-1251) and Chogyel Phakpa (1235-1280) with Mahakala Lineage Masters
Central Tibet, 17th - 18th century
Sacred Earthly Realms and Heavenly Paradises
Central Tibet, 17th century
Protective Goddess in Peaceful and Wrathful Form
Central Tibet, 1790-1805
Phakmo Drupa Dorje Gyelpo (1110-1170) with His Previous Incarnations and Episodes from His Life
Central Tibet, ca. 1270

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