paintingssculptureritual objectsscroll paintingmanuscriptstextilesfurnituretools and equipmentthangkaprints and drawingscostumearchitectural elementsdecorative artschartmasktsakalimixed mediadocumentsmapwoodblock printphotographs Enter date range: to Submit TibetChentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China)MongoliaNepalCentral TibetKham Province, Eastern TibetChinaEastern TibetBhutanWestern TibetTibet or MongoliaKham Region, Eastern TibetTsang Province, Central TibetHimalayan RegionNortheastern IndiaInner MongoliaTibet or BhutanTibet or ChinaJapanKoreaNgor Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central TibetTibet or NepalNepal or TibetAmdo Province, Eastern TibetHimalayanU Region, Central TibetDolpo region, western NepalNew York CityTibet (possibly Derge)IndiaProbably Central TibetCentral Tibet, possibly Densatil MonasteryAmdo Region, Eastern Tibet Touching The Earth Prayer (Reverence) Contemplation Do Not Fear (Protection) Teaching Tantric Unity Granting Wishes And Blessings Archer’s/Hunter’s Stance Lotus Position Dancing Royal Ease Bell Hand Drum Thighbone Trumpet Vajra Three-Bladed Dagger Skull Cup Curved Knife Tantric Staff
paintingssculptureritual objectsscroll paintingmanuscriptstextilesfurnituretools and equipmentthangkaprints and drawingscostumearchitectural elementsdecorative artschartmasktsakalimixed mediadocumentsmapwoodblock printphotographs
TibetChentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China)MongoliaNepalCentral TibetKham Province, Eastern TibetChinaEastern TibetBhutanWestern TibetTibet or MongoliaKham Region, Eastern TibetTsang Province, Central TibetHimalayan RegionNortheastern IndiaInner MongoliaTibet or BhutanTibet or ChinaJapanKoreaNgor Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central TibetTibet or NepalNepal or TibetAmdo Province, Eastern TibetHimalayanU Region, Central TibetDolpo region, western NepalNew York CityTibet (possibly Derge)IndiaProbably Central TibetCentral Tibet, possibly Densatil MonasteryAmdo Region, Eastern Tibet
Touching The Earth Prayer (Reverence) Contemplation Do Not Fear (Protection) Teaching Tantric Unity Granting Wishes And Blessings Archer’s/Hunter’s Stance Lotus Position Dancing Royal Ease Bell Hand Drum Thighbone Trumpet Vajra Three-Bladed Dagger Skull Cup Curved Knife Tantric Staff
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