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Time, Like WaterA meditation on time, ecology, and the world we live in . . . for nowCreative WritingMagazine
Because the Present Isn’t Enough: James Gleick on Time TravelA Victorian meme touches down in the twenty-first centuryInterviewsTechnologyPop CultureMagazine
Re-Figuring the Future with Morehshin AllahyariAn artist's take on the feminine future in the era of digital colonialismContemporary Art FormsInterviewsMagazine
The Three TimesHow the past, present, and future coexist in BuddhismScholarly PerspectivesBuddhismMagazine
Finding Freedom in TimeSeeing through the eyes of the thirteenth-century Zen master Eihei DogenBuddhismBuddhist PerspectivesMagazine
Close Encounters of the Bengali KindCould the inspiration for E.T. have come from the earlier work of Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray?Pop CultureMagazine
My Grandmother ChanaA meditation on what is passed down to future generationsCreative WritingRelationshipsMagazine
The Altruism RevolutionAdvice from the women in his family helped Matthieu Ricard seek out a life of wisdom and compassionBuddhist PerspectivesMagazine
Is Your Hope My Anxiety?Reflections on A Monument for the Anxious and HopefulBehind the ScenesContemporary Art FormsMagazine
How Do Poets Approach the Future?Poems selected by the Poetry Society of New YorkCreative WritingMagazine
Five Parenting Tips for Overcoming Unconscious PatternsAdvice from a mindfulness teacher and neuroscience researcherMindfulnessHow-tosRelationships
Move, Meditate, Write: The Yoga of WritingYoga asana, meditation, and writing coalescing into meaning-filled ritualYoga
Art That Lets You Travel in the Shoes of AnotherSacred spaces inspire artist Ghiora Aharoni’s workContemporary Art Forms
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