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How to Use the Body to End Stress and TantrumsTips from a mindfulness teacher and neuroscience researcherMindfulnessHow-tosRelationships
Five Reasons Parents Should Learn MindfulnessLooking at parenting from a different perspectiveMindfulnessRelationships
Remembering Scholars of Nepalese Art Mary Slusser and Dina BangdelColleagues, friends, and admirers share their thoughts and memories
Twin Peaks in the Himalayas: Where Pop Culture Meets Ancient CultureConnecting the mysteries in Twin Peaks with objects in the Rubin's collectionPop CultureBuddhismTraditional Himalayan Art
How Well Do You Know Henri Cartier-Bresson?Honoring the legendary photographerPhotographyContemporary Art Forms
Elevate Your Practice: Sound Baths, Sound Healing, and MudrasDelve into meditative techniques beyond mindfulnessHealingInterviews
The Cosmic DroneWhat accounts for the fascination with the drone among sound artists?MusicContemporary Art FormsMagazine
One Verse: A Chorus of Light and SoundThe chanting of OM can be a metaphor for our current understanding of the foundations of existenceScienceTechnologyMagazine
Music, Molecules, and the Middle WayThe musician reflects on songs, sounds, and silencePersonal PerspectivesMusicInterviewsMagazine
Listening and Liberation: The World Is SoundAn exhibition ventures into the power of sound and practice of listeningBuddhismMusicTraditional Himalayan ArtContemporary Art FormsMagazine
The Wisdom of Silence (and Chocolate)That which is silent, everything is possibleMindfulnessBuddhist PerspectivesBuddhismMagazine
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