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Psychedelic RenaissanceThe women spreading cautious optimism about ancient rituals and sacred plant medicinesHealingPsychologyMagazine
Finding the Divine in a Creative LifeAllyson Grey's secret writing and visionary artHealingContemporary Art FormsInterviewsMagazine
Celestial Visions in Three DimensionsHow Pema Namdol Thaye builds mandalas, bringing cosmic realms to lifeTraditional Himalayan ArtContemporary Art FormsInterviewsBuddhismMagazine
Morning Rituals from Near and FarFrom the Himalayan mountains to the New York City streets, people share how they wake up every dayContemporary Himalayan LifePersonal PerspectivesMagazine
Are You Woke?The work of wokeness is not what you thinkPersonal PerspectivesActivismBuddhist PerspectivesMagazine
The Mandala: A Guide to TransformationFollow the path to connect inner and outer worldsScholarly PerspectivesBuddhismTraditional Himalayan ArtMagazine
Emotional RescueTo be fully alive, embrace your ever-changing brainContemporary Art FormsScienceMagazine
Wake Up to Find OutA short strange trip from chaos to enlightenmentScholarly PerspectivesBuddhismTraditional Himalayan ArtContemporary Art FormsMagazine
Life Is But a Dream (As Seen on TV)Tuning in to films and series that play with the nature of reality can help us channel Buddhist wisdomMindfulnessPop CultureBuddhismMagazine
Circle in the SquareHow the Mandala Lab builds on the Rubin Museum's storied architectureBehind the ScenesBuddhismMusicContemporary Art FormsMagazine
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