BuddhismArt InteractivesArt Up CloseInterviewsRelationshipsContemporary Art FormsTraditional Himalayan ArtMusicCreative WritingReligious PerspectivesHolidaysTechnologyPsychologyHow-tosHealingHinduismPersonal PerspectivesActivismBuddhist PerspectivesPhotographyBehind the ScenesEnvironmentContemporary Himalayan LifePop CultureYogaFemale PowerScienceMindfulnessPodcastsScholarly Perspectives
War Magic: The Wizarding World of Tibetan SorceryTantric ritual technologies involving mantras, charms, paintings, and sculptures enabled rulers to conquer enemies and harness powerScholarly PerspectivesMagazine
Keeping the Faith: Religion and Politics TodayHistoric and modern empires share some striking similaritiesScholarly PerspectivesMagazine
Reckoning with Power in Public MonumentsA New York City committee finds solutions amidst controversiesMagazine
Creature ComfortsAwaken your power animal and discover a new kind of spiritual strengthReligious PerspectivesMagazine
Where We Believe It Resides: Power in Game of Thrones and Himalayan ReligionsA four-part series exploring the TV series in relation to Tibetan BuddhismScholarly PerspectivesPop CultureBuddhismMagazine
A Trick, a Shadow on a Wall: Magical Means to Power in Game of Thrones and Himalayan ReligionsMagic and the games of power in Westeros, the Himalayas, and beyondScholarly PerspectivesPop CultureBuddhismMagazine
The Vision of the Prophet: Prophecy in Game of Thrones and Himalayan ReligionsGreenseers, treasure revealers, and other interpreters of omensScholarly PerspectivesPop CultureBuddhismMagazine
You Win or You Die: Death in Game of Thrones and Himalayan ReligionsHow wargs and tulkus master their consciousnessScholarly PerspectivesPop CultureBuddhismMagazine
Winter Is Here: The End of the World in Game of Thrones and Himalayan ReligionsWhite Walkers, the last battle of Shambhala, and other stories of apocalypseScholarly PerspectivesPop CultureBuddhismMagazine
How to Meditate for Beginners: The Foundation of MindfulnessA guide for first-time meditatorsMindfulnessHow-tosPsychology
Art That Demonstrates Our Unity with the Natural WorldInterconnection with the environment is prevalent in Himalayan artEnvironmentTraditional Himalayan Art
The Origins of YogaTracing the history of this tradition through artTraditional Himalayan ArtBuddhismYogaHinduism
From Introspection to Action: Thich Nhat Hanh and Engaged BuddhismGetting to know the Zen Buddhist masterEnvironmentActivismBuddhism
Yoga, Mantra, and ArtObjects from the Rubin’s collection that embody yogic traditionsTraditional Himalayan ArtYoga
Dr. Yeshi Dhonden: Living “Medicine Buddha”The former personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai LamaBuddhist PerspectivesHealing
Rabindranath Tagore: An Indian PolymathGet to know the beloved figure and his legacyContemporary Art Forms
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