Knowing How Deeply Our Lives Intertwine Activism based on the wisdom of interdependence is the only way to create real change
Things Depend on Other Things Applying the teachings of interdependence to day-to-day life
Causes and Conditions The universal law of dependent origination provides a road map out of suffering
Our True Nature of Mind Harnessing the wisdom of emptiness to generate compassion
Death, the Bardo, and Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism How the mind navigates the passage between death and rebirth
On the Front Lines Two medical professionals share how Himalayan art and practices helped during the pandemic.
Mindful of Race How wise awareness can help us meet the rough edges of racial distress
Are You Woke? The work of wokeness is not what you think
Pleasure, Power, and Sexual Liberation A conversation on how we can use this cultural moment as an opportunity to liberate our collective conditioning around power, pleasure, gender, sexuality, and consent.
Waking Up to Power Is a Spiritual Practice How meditation and activism can work together to quiet the mind in a loud, troubled world
Empowerments: Awakening the Buddha Within Ritual ceremonies guide us on the path to enlightenment
Hear Me Roar: What Buddhism Can Teach Us about #MeToo How embracing the rising feminine can help bring our world into healthy balance
Dr. Yeshi Dhonden: Living “Medicine Buddha” The former personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Time on Retreat Three years, three months, and three days of silence
Finding Freedom in Time Seeing through the eyes of the thirteenth-century Zen master Eihei Dogen
The Altruism Revolution Advice from the women in his family helped Matthieu Ricard seek out a life of wisdom and compassion
The Wisdom of Silence (and Chocolate) That which is silent, everything is possible