29 posts tagged Science
The Bonds That Define Us
Attachment theory through the lens of social neuroscience
The Dance of Time and Space
How a reorientation to one's place in the world and across history can lead to healing
Presence in Death
In tukdam, clinically dead meditators are said to dwell in the luminosity of emptiness
Breathing Is Fundamental
Can breathing in sync with others help us learn more about ourselves and the world around us?
Metacognition: Cultivating Self-Awareness
Explore the cognitive processes involved in being able to observe yourself having a sensory experience, or observe yourself making a choice
Emotional Rescue
To be fully alive, embrace your ever-changing brain
The Way of the Cosmos
Finding your place in the universe. Literally.
A Royal Duel in the Natural World
When it comes to survival of the fittest, change is the only constant
This Is Your Brain on Power
According to neuroscientist Sukhvinder Obhi, power is neither good nor bad—it's all in the way you use it
Neuroscience Meets Westworld
How memory relates to consciousness
The Approach: How Time Feels
Singing the body electric, one cell at a time
How Dogs Tell Time
Heightened senses help man's best friend negotiate the world
Everyone’s View of the World Is Different
How perception defines reality
David Eagleman: On Time
Living in the present is probably impossible
Time Makes For Dramatic Effect
The perception of time in slow motion
How to Live a Full, “Long” Life
Old age goes fast

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