Perspectives at the intersection of art, science, and Himalayan cultures
Wheel of LifeTibet, 18th century
Wheel of Life, attributed to Lhadripa Rinzing Chungyalpa (b.1912, Sikkim - d.1977)Sikkim, c. 1930
Wheel of LifeTibet or Mongolia, 19th century
White Chakrasamvara, From Situ’s set of Twenty-seven Tutelary DeitiesKham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th century
White Channels (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
White ManjushriTibet, 19th century
White TaraTibet, 18th century
White Tara with Long Life DeitiesTibet, 19th century
Wondrous Synopsis of the Humours, Human catagories - Indications of Physical Decay (chapters 5 - 7)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Transmission teachers of the Medical KnowledgeChentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Treatment of Absolute and Karmic Diseases Similes associated with The Four Tantras (chapter 27 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Tsangpa KarpoTibet, 17th century
Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)U Region, Central Tibet, 19th century
The Twelve Deeds of the Buddha: RenunciationTibet, late 19th - early 20th century
Two Arhats, Pantaka and GopakaTibet, 17th century