Perspectives at the intersection of art, science, and Himalayan cultures
Wheel of LifeTibet, 18th century
Wheel of LifeTibet, early 20th century
Wheel of LifeTibet or Mongolia, 19th century
White Chakrasamvara, From Situ’s set of Twenty-seven Tutelary DeitiesKham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th century
White Channels (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
White ManjushriTibet, 19th century
White TaraTibet, 18th century
White Tara with Long Life DeitiesTibet, 19th century
Wondrous Synopsis of the Humours, Human catagories - Indications of Physical Decay (chapters 5 - 7)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Transmission teachers of the Medical KnowledgeChentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Treatment of Absolute and Karmic Diseases Similes associated with The Four Tantras (chapter 27 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Tsangpa KarpoTibet, 17th century
Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)U Province, Central Tibet, 19th century
The Twelve Deeds of the Buddha: RenunciationTibet, late 19th - early 20th century
Two Arhats, Pantaka and GopakaTibet, 17th century