This representation of Vajravarahi and her retinue is remarkable for its crisp colors, the figures’ sense of movement, and the large flowers at the edges of the painting. The dancing goddess surrounded by blazing flames is placed in front of a fenced lotus pond within a rather flat, blue-green landscape with snow-capped mountains in the background. Mahakala Brahmarupa is shown below the central figure. Four ogresses from his retinue move in dynamic fury, swathed in different colored smoke. In contrast, the lineage holders on white and blue clouds against a deep blue sky express a sense of equanimity. Vajravarahi, or “Diamond Sow,” is red in color and has a sow’s head projecting from the side of her own, her distinguishing feature. In her right hand she brandishes a curved knife and her left holds a skull cup at the heart. In the bend of her left elbow she holds a tantric staff. Above Vajravarahi, King Indrabhuti is flanked by two important figures of the Sakya tradition, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092 1158) and Tsarchen Losel Gyatso (1502 1566).

Artwork Details

19 1/4 × 13 1/2 in. (estimated)
Pigments on cloth
20th century
Credit Line
Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art
Object number
HAR Number

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A virtuous feeling and deep respect toward an authentic teaching, teacher, or path. Buddhists believe that expansive study, analysis, and meditation are essential steps for cultivating a healthy and enduring devotion.

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A religious movement that originated in India around the fifth to seventh century with sacred writings and esoteric teachings and practices transmitted from teacher to student through initiation. These remain an important part of Hinduism and Buddhism today. 

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In Buddhism gender is considered more fluid compared to some other religions. Certain traditions emphasize the importance of all genders in achieving enlightenment. The feminine is considered an embodiment of wisdom and the masculine is an embodiment of method.

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Female Deities

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Female bodhisattvas and tantric deities embody specific enlightened qualities such as wisdom, power, and protection, and can be peaceful or wrathful in appearance.

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Tibetan Regions


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