Woodblock Print of the Buddha with His Assembly China, 18th - 19th century
Vajradhara with Eighty-Five Great Adepts (Mahasiddhas) Western Tibet, 15th century
Vajradhara and the Great Adepts (Mahasiddhas) Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th-early 19th century
Vajradhara Tibet, 18th century
Vajradhara Central Tibet, 15th - 16th century
Vajradhara Tibet, 18th century
Vairochana, from a Set of Initiation Cards (Tsakali) Tibet, ca. 14th century
The Twelve Deeds of the Buddha: Renunciation Tibet, late 19th - early 20th century
Stories of the Noble Deeds (Avadana), After a Set Designed by Situ Panchen (1700–1774) Illustrating Kshemendra’s Avadanakalpanada Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Shakyamuni Buddha Tibet, 19th century
Stories of Noble Deeds (Avadana) Central Tibet, late 18th-19th century
Stories of Previous Lives of the Buddha (Jataka) Tibet, 18th century
Stories of the Previous Lives of the Buddha (Jataka) Eastern Tibet, Late 17th-18th century
Sarvavid Vairochana China (or Eastern Tibet), ca. 19th century
Renunciation, from a set of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha, After a woodblock carved in Derge, Kham region, eastern Tibet, composition attributed to Purbu Tsering of Chamdo (active ca. late 19th century) Kham Region, Eastern Tibet, 20th century
Ratna Vajradhara Tibet, 18th century
Ratnasambhava, from a Set of Initiation Cards (Tsakali) Tibet, ca. 14th century
Previous Lives of the Buddha Kham Region, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Past Lives of Shakyamuni BuddhaAfter Situ’s set of the Past Lives of Shakyamuni Buddha Kham Region, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Palace of the Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru, Master of Remedies (chapter 1) Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Mold for Clay Image (tsatsa) of Buddha Amitayus Himalayan Region, ca. 19th century
Medicine Buddha Palace (Copy of first painting from the set of the Tibetan Medical Paintings from Mentsikhang Lhasa) Rebgong county, Qinghai Province, China, 2012-2013
Medicine Buddha Mongolia, 18th century
Medicine Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Tibet, 18th - 19th century
Medicine Buddha Abhijnaraja Ladakh, 14th century
Manuscript Folio with Buddha Ratnasambhava Nepal, ca. 1200
Maitreya (or Buddha Shakyamuni) Tibet, 14th century
Life Story of Buddha Shakyamuni Tibet, 19th century
Maitreya, Buddha of the Future Mongolia, 19th century
Maitreya, Buddha of the Future Mongolia, late 18th - early 19th century
Maitreya, the Future Buddha Tibet, ca. second quarter of 15th century
Major Events of the Buddha's Life Northeastern India, 12th century
Gandharan-Style Buddha Afghanistan, 6th-7th century
Five Female Buddhas; Text and Illuminations of the Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Intermediate State (Bardo) Tibet, ca. 15th century
Crowned Buddha Northeastern India, 10th century
Dipamkara Buddha Nepal, Dated by inscription 1853
Crowned Teaching Buddha Gilgit or Kashmir, 8th century
Crowned Buddha Shakyamuni Northeastern India, 11th century
Copy of the Udhayana Sandalwood Buddha Tibet, 18th - 19th century
Buddha Vajradhara with the Great Tantric Masters (Mahasiddhas) Central Tibet, 15th century
Buddha Vajradhara Nepal, 14th century
Buddha Shakymuni and scenes from his life Tsang Province, Central Tibet, second half of the 14th century
Buddha Shakyamuni with Maitreya and Avalokiteshvara Swat, 8th century
Buddha Shakyamuni and the Sixteen Arhats Tibet, 15th century
Buddha Shakyamuni and Stories of his Previous Lives Tibet, mid-late 14th century
Buddha Ratnasambhava Central Tibet, 13th century
Birth of the Buddha, from a set of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha, after a carved woodblock composition attributed to Purbu Tsering of Chamdo (active ca. late 19th century) Tibet, 20th century
Buddha Amitayus Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Buddha Amitayus in His Pure Realm Inner Mongolia, 19th century
Buddha Amitayus Bhutan, late 19th or early 20th century
Buddha Amitayus Himalayan, 17th century
Buddha Amitayus Tibet, 17th century
Buddha Amitayus Tibet, 17th century
Buddha Amitayus Tibet, 17th century
Buddha Amitayus Tibet, 19th century
Buddha Amitabha in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati Central Tibet, 19th century
Buddha Amitabha in His Pure Realm Central Tibet, late 18th century
Buddha Akshobhya and the Eastern Assembly of the Sarvadurgatiparishodhana Mandala Tibet, 14th century
Buddha Akshobhya Tibet, 16th century
Birth of Buddha Tibet, 19th century
Buddha Ratnasambhava and Goddess in a Lotus Petal Northeastern India, 11th–12th century
Buddha Ratnasambhava with Wealth Deities Tibet, early to mid-14th century
Buddha's Birth, from a set of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha Eastern Tibet, Kham Province, Derge Printing House, after 1960
Buddha Shakyamuni Central Tibet, 14th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Tibet, 15th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Tibet or Bhutan, late 17th-18th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Defeating Mara Eastern Tibet or Mongolia, 19th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Tibet, 18th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Bhutan, 19th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Tibet, 15th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Tsang Region, Central Tibet, 18th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Tibet, 13th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Amdo Province, Eastern Tibet, 16th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Sculpture: China; Throne: Central Tibet, Sculpture: 1403-1424; Throne: ca. 13th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Karnali Basin, Khasa Malla Kingdom, Northwestern Nepal, 13th-14th century