This week’s meditation session is led by Sharon Salzberg and the theme is Loving Kindness.
Lotus Goddess, Lakshmi; Nepal; 17th century; Wood with pigments and gilt repoussé; 24 1/4 × 20 1/2 × 8 1/2 in.; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art, Formerly of Joe Gelpey Collection; C2008.1a-b
The goddess, Tara, epitomizes our theme for the day, loving kindness. Tara is known as a protector, who helps travelers combat the eight great fears that commonly affect travelers. They are fear of (1) drowning, (2) lions, (3) fire, (4) snakes, (5) rampaging elephants, (6) marauding thieves, (7) false imprisonment, and (8) demons. While meant to be taken literally, these fears also represent negative emotions that must be wiped out in order to achieve enlightenment. They are respectively (1) craving, (2) false views, (3) pride, (4) envy, (5) hatred, (6) doubt, (7) avarice, and (8) ignorance. Dressed as an Indian princess, Tara sits with her right leg extended in what is known as the pose of royal ease, making it easy for her to jump up and help anyone who might have need. Her right hand is open in the gesture of supreme generosity while her left hand rests in front of her heart holding a lotus that extends and blooms over her left shoulder.
Sharon Salzberg, Cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, has guided meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. Her latest books are Real Life: The Journey from Isolation to Openness and Freedom and Finding Your Way: Meditations, Thoughts, and Wisdom for Living an Authentic Life. She is a weekly columnist for On Being, a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, and the author of several other books, including the New York Times bestseller Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation, Real Change: Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World, Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience, and Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness. Ms. Salzberg has been a regular participant in the Rubin’s many on-stage conversations and regards the Rubin as a supplemental office.
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