This week’s meditation session is led by Sharon Salzberg and the theme is Reawaken. The guided meditation begins at 12:39.
Pratisara, one of the Five Protector Goddesses; Central Tibet, possibly Densatil Monastery; mid-14th to mid-15th century; Gilt copper alloy; 11 3/4 × 9 3/4 × 7 in.; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2005.16.21
Pratisara is one of the five Pancha Raksha deities. These Five Protector Goddesses are the personifications of five early Buddhist sutras. The oldest of the texts dates from the fourth century . They also each embody a Buddhist mantra.
Each of the five deities bestows protection from the turbulence of this world. They are associated with preventing and surviving natural disasters, curing snakebite, and averting pestilence and epidemics. They also promote sustenance and happiness.
Pratisara is specifically associated with protecting pregnant women. She has many forms. There are many traditions associated with her throughout the Himalayas and Central Asia, and extending as far east as Japan. As we behold this resplendent sculpture may we find inner strength to overcome the challenges of this world.
Sharon Salzberg, Cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, has guided meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. Her latest books are Real Life: The Journey from Isolation to Openness and Freedom and Finding Your Way: Meditations, Thoughts, and Wisdom for Living an Authentic Life. She is a weekly columnist for On Being, a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, and the author of several other books, including the New York Times bestseller Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation, Real Change: Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World, Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience, and Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness. Ms. Salzberg has been a regular participant in the Rubin’s many on-stage conversations and regards the Rubin as a supplemental office.
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