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No Longer ArtThe founder of the Salvage Art Institute imagines a fictional encounter with an artwork beyond repairCreative WritingMagazine
Good Will WritingAn ethical will passes down wisdom through the generationsPersonal PerspectivesReligious PerspectivesRelationshipsMagazine
On the Front LinesTwo medical professionals share how Himalayan art and practices helped during the pandemic.Buddhist PerspectivesInterviewsHealingMagazine
Place, Loss, AdaptationA Nepalese immigrant finds solace in faraway VermontContemporary Himalayan LifePersonal PerspectivesHealingMagazine
Mindful of RaceHow wise awareness can help us meet the rough edges of racial distressHealingActivismBuddhist PerspectivesMindfulnessMagazine
In the Presence of ArtHow artists in Nepal help foster healing and bring a sense of inner peaceContemporary Himalayan LifeActivismHealingContemporary Art FormsMagazine
In the Forest of the Medicine Buddha’s MandalaEvery plant, mineral, and natural source can be used for healingBuddhismHealingTraditional Himalayan ArtMagazine
Everything Is LifeHow Conscious Dying Can Be a Form of LivingInterviewsReligious PerspectivesHealingMagazine
Healing through GatheringA series on different forms of healingActivismHealingHow-tosRelationshipsMagazine
At the Center of a Messy, Beautiful ExistenceA psychologist reckons with how spiritual practices can distract us from the real work of healingPersonal PerspectivesHealingPsychologyMagazine
Breathing Is FundamentalCan breathing in sync with others help us learn more about ourselves and the world around us?MindfulnessScienceBuddhismContemporary Art FormsMagazine
Healing through PlantsA series on different forms of healingMindfulnessEnvironmentHealingHow-tosMagazine
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