Forest Goddess Parnashavari
Central Tibet, 19th century
Four Arhats
Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Cycle
Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 1429-1456
Fourth Demo Rinpoche, Lhawang Gyeltsen (1631–1668)
Tibet or China, Dated by inscription, 1667
Fourth Zhamar, Chodrak Yeshe Pelzang (1453 1524), and Scenes from His Life
Central Tibet, 16th century
Tree (Field) of Refuge for Geluk Tibetan Buddhist Tradition
U Region, Central Tibet, 19th century
Goddess Ushnishavijaya in Stupa
Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 15th century
Green Tara
Tibet, 18th century
Green Tara
Tibet, 19th century
Green Tara as Protectress from the Eight Fears
Tibet or Mongolia, 19th century
Green Tara as Protectress from the Eight Fears
Bhutan, 19th century
Green Tara as Protectress from the Eight Fears
Central Tibet, 19th century
Green Tara as Protectress from the Eight Fears-Drowning
Central Tibet, 19th century
Guan Yu
Inner Mongolia, late 18th - 19th century
Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra
Central Tibet, early 17th century (ca. 1604)
Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra with Consort Sparshavajra
Tibet, 19th century

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