Kailash #75 Tibet, 2000
Treasure Revealer Terdak Lingpa (1646–1714) Mindroling monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, early 18th century
Wrathful Shrine Doors Kham Region, Eastern Tibet, ca.19th century
Vajrapani Tibet, 18th century
Vajravarahi Tibet, 20th century
Vajrayogini Tibet, 17th century
Vishnu Nepal, 12th century
White Manjushri Tibet, 19th century
Unidentified Lama (Teacher) Tibet, 15th or 16th century
Upper Section of a Torana Nepal, Dated by inscription 1810
Ushnisavijaya and Celebration of Old Age (Jyatha Janko) Nepal, 19th century
Ushnishavijaya Tibet, 15th or 16th century
Tara in Her Pure Realm, Khadiravana Tibet, 19th century
Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339) Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Three Tantric Goddesses Nepal, 18th century
Tibetan Shrine Cabinet (Chosham) New York, New York, 2012-2013
Sharabha; fragment of a throne frame Nepal or Tibet, 14th - 15th century
Shiva and Parvati Nepal, 13th century
Shiva Bhairava Nepal, 15th century
Shiva Vishavarupa, Universal form with Consort Nepal, mid-19th century
Shrine Cabinet (Chosham) Tibet, Second half of 20th century
Siddhi Lakshmi Nepal, 17th century
Six-Armed Mahakala Tibet, 15th century
Sixth Zhamar, Garwang Chokyi Wangchuk (1584-1630); From a Pelpung set of Masters of the Combined Kagyu Lineages Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th century
Standing Arhat China, Dated 1439
Stupa Tibet, 13th century
Red Avalokiteshvara Nepal or Tibet, dated by inscription, 1871
Refuge Field with Machik Labdron (1055-1153) Tibet, early 20th century
Stupa Tibet, 14th century
Scenes from the Life of Jamyang Tutob Wangchuk (1588-1637) Tibet, 17th century
Scenes from the Life of Jamyang Tutob Wangchuk (1588-1637) Tibet, 17th century
Scenes from the Life of Jamyang Tutob Wangchuk (1588-1637) Tibet, 17th century
Scenes from the Life of Jamyang Tutob Wangchuk (1588-1637) Tibet, 17th century
Scenes from the Life of Jamyang Tutob Wangchuk (1588-1637) Tibet, 17th or 18th century
Scenes from the Life of Padmasambhava Tibet, 19th century
Phakmodrupa (1110–1170) with His Previous Incarnations and Episodes from His Life Central Tibet, ca. 1272
Protector Begtse Chen Mongolia, late 18th - early 19th century
Rahula Tibet, 15th century
Padmasambhava Tibet, 15th century
Padmasambhava Bhutan, 19th century
Padmasambhava Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Padmasambhava Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Padmasambhava Tibet, late 19th century
Padmasambhava and scenes from his life story Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 18th - 19th century
Padmasambhava, Pema Jungne Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th-19th century
Padmasambhava with Consorts Nepal, 15th - 16th century
Padmasambhava with deities of the Yang Ter tradition Tibet, 18th century
Padmasambhava with his Eight Manifestations, Hayagriva, flanked by Yeshe Tsogyel, and Shantarakshita Tibet, ca. 16th century
Palace of the Protector Begtse Mongolia, 19th century
Panjaranatha Mahakala Tibet, 15th century
Panjaranatha Mahakala Tibet, ca. 16th-17th century
Panjarnatha Mahakala Central Tibet, early 18th century, ca. 1720
Pelden Lhamo Dusolma “Smoke-Clad Goddess” Tibet, 14th century
Model of the Mahabodhi Temple Eastern India, Probably Bodhgaya, ca. 11th century
Mold for a sculpture Nephu monastery, Bhutan and Darjeeling, India, ca. 19th-20th century
Mold for Clay Image (tsatsa) of Buddha Amitayus Himalayan Region, ca. 19th century
Mountain God Kula Kari Tibet, 19th century
Mount Mehru Himalayan Region, 19th century
Krishna and Hatha Dya Nepal, 19th century
Lama (Teacher) Tibet, 17th - 18th century
Lama (Teacher) as a Mahasiddha Tibet, 18th century
Lama (Teacher), Milarepa Tibet, 18th century
Life Story of Nangsa Wobum New York City, 2020
Life Story of Tsongkapa (1357-1419) Tibet, 18th century
Longchenpa Drime Ozer (1308-1363) Tibet, 19th century
Machik Labdron (1055–1153) Tibet, ca. 16th - 17th century
Maitreya, Buddha of the Future Mongolia, late 18th - early 19th century
Mandala of Chandra Nepal, ca.1500
Indra Nepal, 16th century
Indra Nepal, Dated by inscription,1463
Indra, Hurling His Thunderbolt Nepal, 12th century
Karmapa with his Footprints Central Tibet, late 12th-early 13th century
Kashmira Kashmir, India, 10th century
Kaumari Nepal, 17th or 18th century
Four-Faced Linga Nepal, 18th - 19th century
Fourth Demo Rinpoche, Lhawang Gyeltsen (1631–1668) Tibet or China, Dated by inscription, 1667
Ganesha Nepal, 17th century
Ganesha Madhya Pradesh, India, 11th century
Tree (Field) of Refuge for Geluk Tibetan Buddhist Tradition U Region, Central Tibet, 19th century
Champ Tashi Central Tibet, 16th century
Green Tara Tibet, 17th century
Green Tara Central Tibet, 14th century
Green Tara Tibet, 15th century
Green Tara Tibet, ca. 18th century
Handheld Prayer Wheel Central Tibet, Early 20th century
Heruka (Lama Gongdu cycle) Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Hevajra and Nairatmya Eastern India, ca. 12th century
Five Arhats: Ajita, Kalika, Vanavasin, Vajriputra, Bhadra Tibet, 18th century
Butter Lamp Tibet, 18th century
Cosmic Vishnu (Vishvarupa) Nepal, 17th - 18th century
Cover of a Vaishnava Manuscript Nepal, 18th century
Damchen Garwai Nakpo China, ca. 18th century
Dorje Drolo, One of Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Drakpa Gyeltsen (1147-1216) and Sakya Pandita (1182-1251) Central Tibet, ca. 15th century
Eighth Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554) Kham Region, Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Ekajati Bhutan, 19th century
Field of Accumulation of Merit (Tsokshin) of the Geluk Tradition with Tsongkhapa Central Tibet, ca. late 18th - early 19th century
Fierce Lion-faced Goddess, Simhamukha Tibet, 18th century
Arhat Pantaka China or Tibet, 17th - 18th century
Attendant figure to Vaishravana Tibet, 16th century
Avalokiteshvara Enshrined in a Temple Nepal, Dated by inscription, 1850
Avalokiteshvara in his Potala Pure Realm Tibet, 19th century
Avalokiteshvara Padmapani Swat region (present day Pakistan), ca. 9th century
Black Cloak Mahakala Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Black Hayagriva Central Tibet, 15th century
Black Jambhala Tibet, 13th century
Bodhisattva Tibet, 12th century
Bodhisattva Amoghapasha Nepal, ca. 1400
Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Bodhisattva Maitreya Tibet or China, 17th - 18th century
Bodhisattva Suryabaskara China or Inner Mongolia, 18th century
Book Cover with Ten Incarnations of Vishnu Nepal, ca. 1600
Buddha Amitayus Tibet, 17th century
Buddha Amitayus Himalayan, 17th century
Buddha Amitayus Bhutan, late 19th or early 20th century
Buddha Amitayus Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Abbot Lhachok Sengge (1468-1535) Ngor Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, ca. 16th century
Akshobhyavajra Ghuyasamaja Tibet, 17th century or later
Arhat Ajita Tibet or China, 17th century