Mona Polacca + Marina Abramović Ritual, repetition, and durational experiences remind of us of our relationships to all things.
Meredith Monk + Robert Thurman Ephemerality, karma, and the place where Buddhism, artistic expression, and environmental concerns intersect.
Winona LaDuke + Naomi Klein Two internationally recognized activists come together to discuss the economics associated with climate change.
Wen Stephenson + Roy Scranton Two self-proclaimed "bad Buddhists" try to answer the question of how to lose less badly and live ethically in the no-win situation of catastrophic climate change.
The Future of the Feminine Where are we now, and what direction do we take to reach a better future?
Introduction to Vedic Astrology One of the six sacred sciences of ancient India, along with Ayurveda, Vedic astrology is an analysis and forecasting system that offers a map of a person’s karma.
Time, Terma, and the Kalachakra A conversation on the Kalachakra Tantra, Tibetan prophecy, and concepts of time.
Tuvan Shamanic Divination and Prophecy How can shamanic prophecy and divination assist us in creating ourselves, now and in the future?
The Future of Responsibility How can individuals, working with or within institutions, can take responsibility as we move into a new cultural era?
The Vedas: Everything There Is The ultimate nature of reality and identity through time and space form the core of this discussion.
David Eagleman + Pedro Domingos The neuroscientific advisor to the HBO hit series prepare us for imminent futures led by self-programmable machines.
Amanda Palmer + David Eagleman The performance artist explores time and how it relates to intimate interactions with her fans.
Deepak Chopra + Leonard Mlodinow The integrative medicine pioneer and a theoretical physicist interpret the mechanics of our minds and the self-healing nature of our bodies in order to navigate the rapidly shifting landscapes around us.
Loch Kelly + Piet Hut The astrophysics professor and Buddhist teacher untangle philosophical questions that have deep practical implications.
Shezad Dawood + Leah Kelly Explore nonlinear narratives and the negative and positive influences of nostalgia.
Tony Antonelli + Gal Zauberman An astronaut and a behavioral researcher explore how space warps time, and what mindset is needed to venture from the Earth’s surface.
Whitney Cummings + Moran Cerf Does gender influence the way you think about the future?
Three Perspectives on Time Scientific and Buddhist perspectives offer ways to understand our world and imagine the possibilities if we could rethink our relationship to time.