Yogambara with Consort Jnana Dakini Nepal, 15th century
Yaksha General Anila China, First half of the 15th century
Mongolian Zitan Prayer Beads Mongolia, early 19th century
Five-prong Bell & Dorje Set Probably Urga or Dolonor, Mongolia, ca. late 19th century
Vajrabhairava Mongolia, ca. 19th century
Vajrabhairava Mandala Ngor Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, ca. 1515-1535
Vajrabhairava with Consort Vajravetali China, second half of the 15th century
Vajrabhairava with Consort Vajravetali Central Tibet, late 18th century
Vajradhara Central Tibet, 15th - 16th century
Vajradhara Tibet, 18th century
Vajradhara with consort Tibet, 14th century
Vajrasattva Tibet, 19th century
Vajrayogini Tibet, 17th century
Walnut Prayer Beads China, ca. 1908
Walnut seed prayer beads Japan, 18th century
White Tara Tibet, 18th century
Woodblock Print of the Buddha with His Assembly China, 18th - 19th century
Wooden prayer beads Korea, 19th century
Wooden prayer beads carved with 260 Chinese characters of The Heart Sutra Korea, 20th century
Takla Membar Tibet, 19th century
Tara in her Pure Realm Tibet, 19th century
Tibetan Amethyst Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Tibetan Bodhiseed Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Tibetan Elephant Stomach Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Tibetan Human Bone Prayer Beads Tibet, 18th or 19th century
Tibetan Mother of Pearl Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Tibetan Sheep Bone Prayer Beads Tibet, date unknown
Sherab Chamma, “Loving Mother of Wisdom” Tibet, 19th century
Six-armed Mahakala Mongolia, 18th century
Skull prayer beads Korea, 20th century
Snake Spine Prayer Beads with Conch Button and One Metal Counter Tibet, 19th century
Striated Wood Prayer Bead China, 18th century
Red-and-Black-Faced Yamari, "Blazing Razor of Extreme Repelling" Tibet, ca. late 17th century
Red Avalokiteshvara Nepal or Tibet, dated by inscription, 1871
Rock Crystal Prayer Beads Tibet, Date unknown
Mongolian Rosewood Prayer Beads Mongolia, 19th century
Rudraksha Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Rudraksha Prayer Beads Tibet, Date unknown
Sarvavid Vairochana Mandala Tibet, 17th century
Penance Prayer Bead Japan, Early 20th century
Phoenix Eye Bodhiseed Prayer Beads Tibet, 18th or 19th century
Phoenix Eye Bodhiseed Prayer Beads Tibet, 20th century
Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Prayer beads made of seeds, likely bladdernut, with image of Bodhidharma carved on each bead Korea, Early 20th century
Pressed Incense Prayer Beads China, Date unknown
Pressed Medicine prayer beads China, Early 20th century
Protector Begtse Chen Mongolia, late 18th - early 19th century
Nine-deity Hevajra Mandala Central Tibet, 16th century
Nine-deity Mandala of Two-armed Hevajra Tsang Provence, Central Tibet, 15th century
Nine Deity Offering Mongolia, 19th century
Open-Ended String of Wood Prayer Bead Korea, 20th century
Padmasambhava in His Pure Realm, the Copper-Colored Mountain Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Palace of the Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru, Master of Remedies (chapter 1) Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Bardo Tibet, 19th century
Peach Pit Prayer Beads China, Date unknown
Peach Pit Prayer Beads China, 19th century
Peach Pit Prayer Beads China, 18th century
Peking glass prayer beads China, late 19th century
Manjushri Nepal, 17th century
Manjushri Tibet, 19th century
Medicine Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Tibet, 18th - 19th century
Medicine Buddha Mongolia, 18th century
Medicine Buddha Mandala Inner Mongolia, 18th century
Moon and Star Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Mother of Pearl Prayer Beads Possibly Derge, Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, early 19th century
Lotus Mandala of Hevajra Northeastern India, 12th century
Mahakala Central Tibet, possibly Densatil Monastery, mid-14th to mid-15th century
Mahakala and Protector Deities Central Tibet, early 19th century
Mandala of Akshobhya Tibet, 16th century
Mandala of Amoghapasha Northern Nepal or Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 15th century
Mandala of Chakrasamvara Tibet, 14th-15th century
Mandala of Guhyasamaja-Akshobhyavajra Tibet, 14th century
Mandala of Heruka Krishna Yamari Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 15th century
Mandala of Hevajra Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 17th century
Mandala of Manjushri Dharmadhatu Vagishvara Tibet, 16th century (ca. 1500)
Human Cranium Prayer Beads Tibet, 18th or 19th century
Human Cranium Prayer Beads Tibet, 18th or 19th century
Ivory Prayer Beads Tibet, early 19th century
Ivory prayer beads China, Late 19th century
Ivory Prayer Beads Tibet, early 19th century
Jodo Shin prayer beads Japan, 20th century
Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Cycle Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 1429-1456
Mongolian Garnet Hand Rosary Mongolia, Date unknown
Garnet Prayer Bead China, 19th century
Mongolian Golden Boxwood Prayer Beads Mongolia, early 20th century
Guhyasamaja Akshobhvajra with Consort Tibet, 15th century
Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra Central Tibet, early 17th century (ca. 1604)
Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra with Consort Sparshavajra Tibet, 19th century
Guhyasamaja Manjuvajra Kashmir or Himachal Pradesh, India, 11th century
Guhyasamaja with Consort Tibet, 15th century
Hayagriva with consort Mongolia, late 18th - early 19th century
Hayagriva Mongolia, 19th century
Hayagriva Tibet or Mongolia, 18th century
Hevajra Tibet, 19th-20th century
Hevajra with consort Nairatmya Central Tibet, mid-15th-16th century
Hevajra with consort Nairatmya Tibet or China, 19th century
Hevajra with Consort Nairatmya Tibet or Nepal, 14th or 16th - 17th century
Human Bone Prayer Beads Tibet, 18th or 19th century
Human Cranium Prayer Beads Tibet, Date unknown
Finger Bone Prayer Beads Tibet, Date unknown
Flat Turquoise Prayer Beads Tibet, 20th century
Buddha Vajradhara Nepal, 14th century
Carved Wood Prayer Beads China, 19th century
Chakrasamvara with consort Vajrayogini Mongolia, 19th century
Chakrasamvara in Union with Consort Vajravarahi Central Tibet, 14th century
Chakrasamvara with Consort Tibet, 15th century
Coconut Shell Prayer Beads Tibet, early 20th century
Conch Shell Prayer Beads Tibet, Date unknown
Coral Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Crocheted Cloth Cover Prayer Bead Burma, 20th century
Dorje Drolo, One of Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Double Strand Prayer Beads Japan, 20th century
Eighth Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554) Tibet, ca. 16th century
Faceted Metal Prayer Beads Bhutan, ca. 1800
Avalokiteshavara Tibet, 15th century
Avalokiteshvara Jinasagara Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Avalokiteshvara Jinasagara Tibet, 19th century
Black Hayagriva Central Tibet, 15th century
Bodhisattva Maitreya Tibet, 16th - 17th century
Bone Prayer Beads Tibet, early 1970's
Boxwood Prayer Beads China, 18th century
Buddha Akshobhya Tibet, 16th century
Buddha Akshobhya and the Eastern Assembly of the Sarvadurgatiparishodhana Mandala Tibet, 14th century
Buddha Amitabha in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati Central Tibet, 19th century
Buddha Amitayus Tibet, 19th century
Buddha Amitayus Tibet, 17th century
Buddha Amitayus Himalayan, 17th century
Buddha Ratnasambhava Central Tibet, 13th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Amdo Province, Eastern Tibet, 16th century
Buddha Shakyamuni Sculpture: China; Throne: Central Tibet, Sculpture: 1403-1424; Throne: ca. 13th century
Agni, God of Fire China, first half of the 15th century
Akshobhyavajra Ghuyasamaja Tibet, 17th century or later
Amber Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Amber Prayer Beads China, Date unknown
Amber Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Amethyst Prayer Beads Japan, 20th century
Antelope Horn Prayer Beads China, Date unknown
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