
Yogambara with Consort Jnana Dakini
Nepal, 15th century
Yaksha General Anila
China, First half of the 15th century
Zitan Prayer Beads
Mongolia, early 19th century
Vajra and Bell
Probably Urga or Dolonor, Mongolia, ca. late 19th century
Mongolia, ca. 19th century
Vajrabhairava Mandala
Ngor Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, ca. 1515-1535
Vajrabhairava with Consort Vajravetali
China, second half of the 15th century
Vajrabhairava with Consort Vajravetali
Central Tibet, late 18th century
Tibet, 16th century
Tibet, 18th century
Vajradhara with consort
Tibet, 14th century
Tibet, 19th century
Tibet, 17th century
Walnut Prayer Beads
China, ca. 1908
Walnut seed prayer beads
Japan, 18th century
White Tara
Tibet, 18th century


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Self Love
Find inspiration in the revered Tibetan Buddhist deity Tara, who works for the benefit of all beings through her many forms.
Freedom from Fear
Find inspiration in the revered Tibetan Buddhist deity Tara, who works for the benefit of all beings through her many forms.
Heightening Compassion
Find inspiration in the revered Tibetan Buddhist deity Tara, who works for the benefit of all beings through her many forms.
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Pleasure, Power, and Sexual Liberation
What actions can we take to heal a society reeling from the abuse of power in the realms of gender and sexuality?

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