The Red Yogini, Vajrayogini Tibet, 19th century
Yogambara with Consort Jnana Dakini Nepal, 15th century
Treasure Revealer Terdak Lingpa (1646–1714) Mindroling monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, early 18th century
Wrathful Offerings Tibet, 19th century
Wrathful Offerings Mongolia, 19th century
Yaksha General Anila China, First half of the 15th century
Yama Dharmaraja with Consort Yami Tibet, 18th century
Yogini Nairatmya Tibet, 17th century
Vajra Tibet, 18th century
Five-prong Bell & Dorje Set Probably Urga or Dolonor, Mongolia, ca. late 19th century
Vajra, Bell and Case Bhutan, 20th century
Vajrabhairava Inner Mongolia, 19th century
Vajrabhairava Mongolia, ca. 19th century
Vajrabhairava Mandala Ngor Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, ca. 1515-1535
Vajrabhairava with Consort Vajravetali Mongolia, 18th - 19th century
Vajrabhairava with Consort Vajravetali China, second half of the 15th century
Vajrabhairava with Consort Vajravetali Central Tibet, late 18th century
Vajradhara Tibet, 18th century
Vajradhara Central Tibet, 15th - 16th century
Vajradhara and the Great Adepts (Mahasiddhas) Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th-early 19th century
Vajradhara with consort Tibet, 14th century
Vajradhara with Eighty-Five Great Adepts (Mahasiddhas) Western Tibet, 15th century
Vajrakilaya of the Eight Pronouncements Tibet, 18th century
Vajrapani Karnali Basin, Northwestern Nepal, 13th-14th century
Vajrapani Tibet, 18th century
Vajrapani Trampling Snakes Eastern India or Western Tibet, 10th-11th century
Vajrasattva Nepal, 14th century
Vajrasattva Tibet, 19th century
Vajrasattva Central Tibet, 13th century
Vajra Scepter Tibet, 16th century
Vajra scepter Himalayan, 17th - 18th century
Vajravarahi Nepal, Dated by inscription, 1822
Vajravarahi Bhutan, possibly Punakha Dzong, Mid-19th century
Vajravarahi Tibet, 20th century
Vajravarahi Tibet, 19th century
Vajrayogini Tibet, 17th century
Vajrayogini Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Vajrayogini Tibet, 18th century
Vajrayogini Tibet, 17th century
White Chakrasamvara, From Situ’s set of Twenty-seven Tutelary Deities Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th century
Tsangnyon Heruka (1452-1507) Tsang or Ngari Province, Tibet, 16th-17th century
Ushnishavijaya Tibet, 15th or 16th century
Ushnishavijaya Tibet, 17th century
Vairochana, from a Set of Initiation Cards (Tsakali) Tibet, ca. 14th century
Vaishravana, King of the Northern Direction Tibet, 15th century
Vaishravana Retinue Figure Tibet, 16th century
Takla Membar Tibet, 19th century
Tara, as a Great Yogini, After a Set of Paintings “Twenty-seven Tantric Deities” designed by Situ Panchen (1700-1774) Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Three-Bladed Ritual Peg (kila, purba) Tibet, ca. 17th century
Three Mahasiddhas, Kamala, Suvarnadvipa, Viraya Tibet, ca. 17th century
Three Tantric Goddesses Nepal, 18th century
Tibetan Amethyst Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Tiger Riding Mahakala Central Tibet, Early 19th century
Senge Dradok, one of the Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Shiva Bhairava Nepal, 15th century
Siddhi Lakshmi Nepal, 18th century
Siddhi Lakshmi Nepal, Dated by inscription 1796
Sitatapatra Tibet, dated 1864
Six-armed Mahakala Mongolia, 18th century
Six-Armed Mahakala Tibet, 18th century
Six-Armed White Mahakala Central Tibet, late 18th – early 19th century
Skull Cup Nepal, ca. 18th century
Skull cup with Base Tibet, 18th - 20th century
Smashana Adipati, Lords of the Charnel Ground Tibet, 15th century
Red-and-Black-Faced Yamari, "Blazing Razor of Extreme Repelling" Tibet, ca. late 17th century
Red Avalokiteshvara Tibet, 19th century
Red Avalokiteshvara, also known as Bunga Dya, and Macchendranath Nepal, Dated by inscription 1842
Ritual Bone Apron Tibet/Nepal, 18th - 19th century
Ritual Cabinet (Torgam) Tibet, 19th century
Ritual dagger (kila, purba) Tibet, 17th century
Ritual Hammer China, 1403-1424
Ritual Peg (purba) Tibet, 17th century
Rock Crystal Prayer Beads Tibet, Date unknown
Rudraksha Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Rudraksha Prayer Beads Tibet, Date unknown
Samantabhadra Inner Mongolia, 19th century
Sarvavid Vairochana China (or Eastern Tibet), ca. 19th century
Sarvavid Vairochana Mandala Tibet, 17th century
Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Protector Begtse Chen Mongolia, late 18th - early 19th century
Queen of the World, Sipai Gyelmo China, 20th century
Rahula Tibet, 15th century
Rahula and His Assembly Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Ratnasambhava, from a Set of Initiation Cards (Tsakali) Tibet, ca. 14th century
Raven-headed Mahakala Bhutan, early to mid-19th century
Nine-deity Hevajra Mandala Central Tibet, 16th century
Nine-deity Mandala of Two-armed Hevajra Tsang Provence, Central Tibet, 15th century
Nine Deity Offering Mongolia, 19th century
Orgyen Dorje Chang, One of the Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Padma Karpo (1527-1592) and Scenes from His Life Bhutan, 18th century
Padmasambhava Tibet, 18th century
Padmasambhava Tibet, 15th century
Padmasambhava Tibet, 18th century
Padmasambhava Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Padmasambhava Tibet or Bhutan, 18th or 19th century
Padmasambhava Tibet, 19th century
Padmasambhava and the Eight Great Mahasiddhas Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Padmasambhava (Following a set of the Great Adepts designed by Situ Panchen) Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Padmasambhava with Consorts Nepal, 15th - 16th century
Padmasambhava with Lineage Teachers Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Panjaranatha Mahakala Tibet, 15th century
Panjaranatha Mahakala Tibet, ca. 16th-17th century
Panjarnatha Mahakala Central Tibet, early 18th century, ca. 1720
Panjarnatha Mahakala Tibet, 18th century
Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Bardo Tibet, 18th century
Peking glass prayer beads China, late 19th century
Pema Gyelpo, One of the Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava Eastern Tibet, early 20th century
Manjushri Nepal, 17th century
Manjushri Tibet, 19th century
Manjushrikirti, King of Shambhala, From a set of previous incarnations of the Panchen Lamas Du Jinsheng Silk Factory, Maojiabu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, ca. 1922-1937
Manjuvajra India, 12th century
Mold for Clay Image (tsatsa) of Vajrapani Himalayan Region, ca. 19th century
King of Shambhala, (From a Pelpung set of The Kalkin Kings of Shambhala) Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Kurukulla, Goddess of Power Tibet, 18th century
Loden Chokse, One of the Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Mahachakra Vajrapani China, 15th century
Mahakala Central Tibet, possibly Densatil Monastery, mid-14th to mid-15th century
Mahakala Tibet, 17th century
Mahakala and Protector Deities Central Tibet, early 19th century
Mahasiddha Avadhutipa Tibet, 17th - 18th century
Mahasiddha Jalandhara Tibet, ca. 16th century
Mahasiddha Virupa Gongkar Chode Monastery, U Province, Central Tibet, ca. 1659-1671
Mandala of Akshobhya Tibet, 16th century
Mandala of Amoghapasha Northern Nepal or Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 15th century
Mandala of Chakrasamvara Tibet, 14th-15th century
Mandala of Chandra Nepal, ca.1500
Mandala of Guhyasamaja-Akshobhyavajra Tibet, 14th century
Mandala of Heruka Krishna Yamari Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 15th century
Mandala of Hevajra Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 17th century
Mandala of Manjushri Dharmadhatu Vagishvara Tibet, 16th century (ca. 1500)
Mandala of Medicine Buddha Central Tibet, 19th century
Mandala of Red Yamari Tibet, ca. 1415-1435
Mandala of Vajrayogini Tibet, 19th century
Illuminated Manuscript Page Depicting Four Forms of Mahakala and Vaishravana China, 17th century
Indrabhuti, from a set of the Eight Great Adepts (Mahasiddhas) Eastern Tibet, Kham Province, 19th century
Kalachakra Cosmology Illustration Tibet, 16th century
Kanha Central Tibet, 16th century
Mongolian Garnet Hand Rosary Mongolia, Date unknown
Green Tara Tibet, 15th century
Green Tara Tibet, 17th century
Green Tara Tibet, 13th century
Green Tara Central Tibet, 14th century
Green Tara Tibet, 19th century
Guhyasamaja Akshobhvajra with Consort Tibet, 15th century
Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra Central Tibet, early 17th century (ca. 1604)
Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra with Consort Sparshavajra Tibet, 19th century
Guhyasamaja Manjuvajra Kashmir or Himachal Pradesh, India, 11th century
Guhyasamaja with Consort Tibet, 15th century
Guru Drakpo, a Wrathful Form of Padmasambhava Tibet, 20th century
Hand-held Drum (Damaru) Tibet, early 20th century
Hand-held Drum (Damaru) Tibet or Mongolia, early 20th century
Hayagriva with consort Mongolia, late 18th - early 19th century
Hayagriva Mongolia, 19th century
Hayagriva Tibet or Mongolia, 18th century
Heruka (Lama Gongdu cycle) Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Hevajra Tibet, 19th-20th century
Hevajra and Nairatmya Eastern India, ca. 12th century
Hevajra with consort Nairatmya Central Tibet, mid-15th-16th century
Hevajra with consort Nairatmya Tibet or China, 19th century
Hevajra with Consort Nairatmya Tibet or Nepal, 14th or 16th - 17th century
Five Personal Gods Tibet, 18th Century
Flat Turquoise Prayer Beads Tibet, 20th century
Buddha Vajradhara Nepal, 14th century
Chakrasamvara with consort Vajrayogini Mongolia, 19th century
Chakrasamvara and the Footprints of Drigungpa Jikten Sumgon (1143–1217) Tibet, prior to 1217
Chakrasamvara in Union with Consort Vajravarahi Central Tibet, 14th century
Chakrasamvara with Consort Vajravarahi Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Coral Mask of Begtse Mongolia, early 20th century
Coral Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Dancing Ganapati Tibet, 17th century
Demon - Binding Charm Against Sickness Dolpo region, western Nepal, ca. 1975
Dhartarastra, Guardian King of the East China, 18th century
Dorje Drolo, One of Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava Bhutan or Central Tibet, 18th century
Double Vajra Tibet, 20th century
Dralha Yesi Gyelpo Tibet, 19th century
Eight Great Tantric Adepts (From a Pelpung Monastery eleven-painting set of The Eighty-four Great Tantric Adepts) Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Ekajati Bhutan, 19th century
Attendant figure to Vaishravana Tibet, 16th century
Avalokiteshvara Jinasagara Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Avalokiteshvara Jinasagara Tibet, 19th century
Bell Tibet, 18th century
Bhairava Nepal, 13th or 14th century
Black Cloak Mahakala Tibet, 18th century
Black Hayagriva Central Tibet, 15th century
Bodhisattva Vajrapani Swat region, 7th century
Buddha Akshobhya Tibet, 16th century
Buddha Akshobhya and the Eastern Assembly of the Sarvadurgatiparishodhana Mandala Tibet, 14th century
Buddha Ratnasambhava Central Tibet, 13th century
Buddha Ratnasambhava with Wealth Deities Tibet, early to mid-14th century
Achala Nepal, Dated by inscription, 1871
Achala, The Immovable One Tibet, 14th century
Agni, God of Fire China, first half of the 15th century
Amber Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Amber Prayer Beads Tibet, 19th century
Amethyst Prayer Beads Japan, 20th century
Amulet Box (Gau) Tibet, 19th century