Tonpa Shenrab with Episodes from His LifeAmdo Region, Eastern Tibet, 18th - 19th century
Physician Yutok Yonten Gonpo (1126-1202)Central Tibet, late 17th century
Yungton Dorje Pel (1284 1365) (After Choying Gyatso’s (active ca.1640s-1660s) set of previous incarnations of the Panchen Lamas)Central Tibet, 19th century
Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (1594–1651) with a Brief LineageBhutan, 19th century
VajradharaTibet, 18th century
Vajradhara and the Great Adepts (Mahasiddhas)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th-early 19th century
Vajradhara with Eighty-Five Great Adepts (Mahasiddhas)Western Tibet, 15th century
Vajrapani (From Situ's set of Eight Great Bodhisattvas)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Vasudhara and HvashangTibet, 17th century
Vulnerable Points: Anterior Views (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Vulnerable Points: Posterior View (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
White Chakrasamvara, From Situ’s set of Twenty-seven Tutelary DeitiesKham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th century
White Channels (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Wondrous Synopsis of the Humours, Human catagories - Indications of Physical Decay (chapters 5 - 7)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Transmission teachers of the Medical KnowledgeChentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Treatment of Absolute and Karmic Diseases Similes associated with The Four Tantras (chapter 27 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)Tibet, 16th century
Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)U Region, Central Tibet, 19th century
Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)Nepal or India, 20th century
Two General Methods of Treatment (chapters 29 - 35)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Two Indian and Four Tibetan MastersTibet, early 13th century
Unidentified Lama (Teacher)Tibet, 18th century
Unidentified Lama (Teacher)Tibet, 15th or 16th century
Unidentified Lama (Teacher), possibly Second Dalai Lama, Gendun Gyatso (1476–1542)Tibet, 18th century
Unidentified Religious MasterTibet, 16th century-17th century
Urinalysis III Pathological signs - Impending deth - Demonic Possession (chapter 2 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Urinalysis II Urine indicative of Health and disease (chapter 2 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Urinalysis IV Demonic possession - Divination (chapter 2 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Urinalysis V Demonic Possession - Divination (chapter 2 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Tangtong Gyelpo (1361-1485 or 1385-1446/58)Tibet, 19th century
Taste - Potency: gemstones and Minerals (chapters 19 & 20)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Tenth Zhamar, Mipam Chodrup Gyatso (1742-1792)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th - 19th century
Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339) and Other Luminaries of the Rime "Non-Sectarian" MovementKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Third Pawo Rinpoche, Tsuklak Gyatso (1568-1630) with his Handprints and FootprintsTibet, early to mid-17th century
Thirteenth Karmapa, Dudul Dorje (1733-1797)Pelpung Monastery, Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 18th century, ca. 1760s
Thirteenth Karmapa, Dudul Dorje (1733-1797)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Three Mahasiddhas, Kamala, Suvarnadvipa, VirayaTibet, ca. 17th century
Tongue Diagnosis - Tranquillizing Agents - Oil Therapy (chapter 2 - 13)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Seventh Dalai Lama (1708–1757) and His PreincarnationsTibet, 18th century
Situ Panchen (1700-1774); From a Palpung set of Masters of the Combined Kagyu LineagesKham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th century, ca. 1760s
Sixth Zhamar, Garwang Chokyi Wangchuk (1584-1630); From a Pelpung set of Masters of the Combined Kagyu LineagesKham Province, Eastern Tibet, late 18th century
Stories of the Noble Deeds (Avadana), After a Set Designed by Situ Panchen (1700–1774) Illustrating Kshemendra’s AvadanakalpanadaKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Supplementary Materia Medica I (chapter 20 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Supplementary Materia Medica II (chapter 20 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Supplementary Materia Medica III (chapter 20 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Refuge Field with Machik Labdron (1055-1153)Tibet, early 20th century
The Root of Diagnosis (chapter 4)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
The Root of Physiology and Pathology (chapters 2 & 3)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
The Root of Treatment (chapters 5 & 6)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158) with His Two Sons, Sonam Tsemo (1142-1182) and Drakpa Gyaltsen (1147-1216)Ngari Province, Western Tibet, ca. 1500
Sakya Pandita (1182-1251) and Chogyel Phakpa (1235-1280) with Mahakala Lineage MastersCentral Tibet, 17th - 18th century
Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyelsten (1182-1251) (After Choying Gyatso’s (active ca.1640s-1660s) set of previous incarnations of the Panchen Lamas)Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 18th century
Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyeltsen (1182-1251)Tibet, 16th century
Samantabhadra (From Situ's set of Eight Great Bodhisattvas)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Sanggye Sengge (1504-1569)Ngor Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 1580s-1590s
Scenes from the Life of Jamyang Tutob Wangchuk (1588-1637)Tibet, 17th century
Scenes from the Life of Jamyang Tutob Wangchuk (1588-1637)Tibet, 17th century
Phakmo Drupa Dorje Gyelpo (1110-1170) with His Previous Incarnations and Episodes from His LifeCentral Tibet, ca. 1270
Plateau and Herbal Medications (chapter 20 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Portrait of a Sakya LamaTibet, 18th century
Portrait of Tibetan Medical Master Yutok Yonten Gonpo (1126–1202)Tibet, 19th century
The Practicing Physician (chapter 31)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Death VIII Topographical Lines of the Channels: Anterior View (chapter 83)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease I Humoural Diseases - Indigestion - Tumours (chapters 2 - 7)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary causes of Disease III Phases and Types of Fever (chapter 17 - 23)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease II Morbid Pallor - Oedemata - Dropsy - Fever (chapters 8 - 16)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease IV Contagious Fevers - Disease of the Head and Viscera (chapter 24 - 42)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease IX Topographical Lines of the Channels: Posterior View (chapter 83 - 86)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease VI Co-emerging Wounds - Paediatrics (chapters 65 - 73)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease VII Gynaecological Diseases - Demonic PossessionChentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary causes of Disease V Miscellaneous Diseases - Co-emerging Wounds (chapters 43 - 64)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease XIII The Greater Elixir of Rejuvenation (chapter 90)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease XII Poisons (chapters 87 - 89)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease XI Localisation of the Purulence of the Viscera (chapter 85 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease XIV The Lesser Elixir of Rejuvenation - Virility and Fertility (chapter 90 - 92)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Primary and Secondary Causes of Disease X Localisation of the Viscera within the Trunk (chapter 85)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Prophylactics - Diagnosis - Therapeutic Principles (chapters 23 - 28)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination III Pulse divination - Seven Astonishing Pulses (chapter 1 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination II Mother-Son & friend-Enemy Cycles - Pulse Divination (chapter 1 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination I Preparations - Pule Techniques and Types - Seasonal Pulses (chapter 1)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination IV Seven Astonishing Pulses (chapter 1 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination IX 7 Urinalysis I Life Essence Pulses - Preliminaries to Urinalysis (chapters 1 - 2)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination VI Astonishing Pulse Prognostications - Pulse Frequency (chapter 1 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination VIII death Pulses - Pulses indicative of demonic Possession (chapter 1 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination VII Pulse Frequency - General and Specific Pulses (chapter 1 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Pulse Examination V Seven Astonishing Pulses (chapter 1 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Ratna VajradharaTibet, 18th century
Moxibustion according to the King of the Moon treatise: Anterior View (chapter 21 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Moxibustion according to the King of the Moon treatise: Posterior View (chapter 21 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Moxibustion and Minor Surgery (chapters 21 - 25)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Nagarjuna and Aryadeva (After Situ Panchen’s (1700-1774) set of the Six Ornaments and Two Excellent Ones)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Namkhai Nyingpo (8th-9th century) Performing a Long-Life RitualKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Ninth Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje (1555–1603)Central Tibet, ca. 1590
PadmasambhavaTibet, 18th century
PadmasambhavaBhutan, 19th century
PadmasambhavaEastern Tibet, 19th century
PadmasambhavaTibet or Bhutan, 18th or 19th century
PadmasambhavaTibet, 19th century
PadmasambhavaTibet, late 19th century
Padmasambhava and His Eight ManifestationsKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Padmasambhava (Following a set of the Great Adepts designed by Situ Panchen)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Padmasambhava, his eight manifestations, and scenes from his lifeGangteng Monastery, Bhutan, 19th century
Padmasambhava with deities of the Yang Ter traditionTibet, 18th century
Padmasambhava with Lineage TeachersKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Pathology (chapters 8 - 12)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Manjushri (From Situ's set of Eight Great Bodhisattvas)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Medical InstrumentsTibet, Unknown
Medical Instruments (chapter 22)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Medical Painting of Minor Connecting Blood Vessels or Capillaries, illustration to the Medical treatise the Blue Beryl, chapter 4Tibet, 18th century
Medicine Buddha Palace (Copy of first painting from the set of the Tibetan Medical Paintings from Mentsikhang Lhasa)Rebgong county, Qinghai Province, China, 2012-2013
Metaphors and Measurements of the Human Body (chapters 3 & 4)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Milarepa (1052-1135) and Scenes from His LifeTibet, 18th century
Minor Connecting Blood Vessels or Capillaries (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Mold for an Image of Tsongkhapa (1357–1419)Mongolia, 19th century
Khedrup Lodoe SengeyTibet, 17th century
King of Shambhala, (From a Pelpung set of The Kalkin Kings of Shambhala)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Knowledge of Dietetics (chapter 16)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Knowledge of Dietetics - Dietary Restrictions (chapters 16 - 18)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Lama Chogyur Lingpa (1829-1870)Kham Region, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Lama Dampa Sonam Gyeltsen (1312-1375)Tibet, 16th-17th centuries
Lama (Teacher), MilarepaTibet, 18th century
Longchenpa Drime Ozer (1308-1363)Tibet, 19th century
Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup (1456-1532)Mustang, Northwestern Nepal, ca. 1490-1540
Machik Labdron (1055-1153)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Machik Labdron (1055-1153)Kham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Machik Labdron (1055-1153)Western Tibet or Western Himalayas, ca. 16th century
Mahasiddha AvadhutipaTibet, 17th - 18th century
Mahasiddha NaropaKham Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Mahasiddha VirupaGongkar Chode Monastery, U Province, Central Tibet, ca. 1659-1671
Maitreya, the Future BuddhaTibet, ca. second quarter of 15th century
Human Embryology (chapters 1 & 2)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Illustrated White Beryl Elemental Divination ManuscriptSakya Monastery, Tsang region, Central Tibet, mid-18th century
Indian Master Shantarakshita (active 8th century) and Scenes from his LifeTibet, 19th century
Indications of Physical Decay - Dream Prognosis (chapter 7 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Indrabhuti, from a set of the Eight Great Adepts (Mahasiddhas)Eastern Tibet, Kham Province, 19th century
Interconnecting Blood Vessels and Channels: Posterior View (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Interconnecting Blood Vessels: Anterior View (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye (1813-1899)Eastern Tibet, early 20th century
Jatson Nyingpo (1585-1656)Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Jikme Lingpa (1729-1798)Tibet, 18th - 19th century
Karmapa with his FootprintsCentral Tibet, late 12th-early 13th century
Fourth Demo Rinpoche, Lhawang Gyeltsen (1631–1668)Tibet or China, Dated by inscription, 1667
Fourth Zhamar, Chodrak Yeshe Pelzang (1453 1524), and Scenes from His LifeCentral Tibet, 16th century
Champ TashiCentral Tibet, 16th century
Herbal and Animal Medications (chapter 20 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Herbal Medications (chapter 20 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Herbal Medications (chapter 20 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617 1682)Tibet, 17th century
The Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso (1617-1682) with Previous IncarnationsCentral Tibet, 18th century
The Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lopsang Gyatso (1617-1682)Tibet, 17th century
Fifth Shamar, Konchok Yanglak (1526–1583)Tibet, 16th century
First Jebdzundamba, ZanabazarMongolia, 19th century
First Panchen Lama, Lobzang Chokyi Gyaltsen (1570-1662)(After Choying Gyatso’s (active ca.1640s-1660s) set of previous incarnations of the Panchen Lamas)Tsang Province, Central Tibet, 18th century
Buddhashri Sanggye Pel (1339–1419) Surrounded by the Yogachara lineage Masters of the bodhisattva vowNgor Ewam Choden Monastery, Tsang Province, Central Tibet, ca. 1515-1535
Buddha Vajradhara with the Great Tantric Masters (Mahasiddhas)Central Tibet, 15th century
Cathartic Procedures and Bloodletting (chapters 18 - 20)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Cathartic Procedures (chapter 14 - 17)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Compounding of Medications I (chapter 21)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Compounding of Medications II (chapter 21 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Compress - Fomentation - Ointments - Minor Surgery (chapters 22 - 25)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Concluding Summary of the Four Tantras Treatment of Ostensible and Imaginary Diseases (chapters 26 - 27)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Conduct (chapters 13 - 15)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Course of the Lifespan Principle (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Drakpa Gyeltsen (1147-1216) and Sakya Pandita (1182-1251)Central Tibet, ca. 15th century
Drenpa NamkaTibet, 15th century
Drenpa Namkha (ca. 8th century)Amdo Province, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Drigungpa Jikten SumgonTibet, 13th - 14th century
Drokmi Lotsawa Shakya Yeshe (992/3 - 1043/1072)Tibet, 17th century
Dromton Gyelwai'i Jungne (1004/05 - 1064)Tibet, ca. 18th-19th century
Earth, Wood, Nectarous and Plateau Medications (chapter 20 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Eighth Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554)Kham Region, Eastern Tibet, 18th century
Eighth Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554)Tibet, ca. 16th century
Entrustment of the Four Tantras (chapter 27 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Field of Accumulation of Merit (Tsokshin) of the Geluk Tradition with TsongkhapaCentral Tibet, ca. late 18th - early 19th century
Arhat Subhuti (After Choying Gyatso’s (active ca.1640s-1660s) Set of Previous Incarnations of the Panchen Lamas)Central Tibet, 19th century
Atisha (982-1054)Tibet, ca. 18th-19th century
Auspicious Dreams - Signs of Impending Death (chapter 7 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Bloodletting channels and Moxibustion (chapters 20 - 21)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Bloodletting, Surgical and Moxibustion Points Anterior View (chapter 1)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Bloodletting, Surgical and Moxibustion Points Posterior View (chapter 1 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Bloodletting Vessels and Points Anterior ViewChentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Bloodletting Vessels and Points Posterior ViewChentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Bon Lama, Rinchen Gyeltsen (1415-1446)Central Tibet, 18th century
Bon Lama Sanggye Lingpa (1705-1735)Gyelrong, Eastern Tibet, 19th century
Anatomy: Anterior View (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996
Anatomy: Posterior View (chapter 4 cont.)Chentsa, Amdo region, Northeastern Tibet (Jianzha, Qinghai Province, China), 1995-1996